[geeks] Compuholics anonymous

Sridhar the POWERful vance at ikickass.org
Mon Apr 29 00:40:57 CDT 2002

On Mon, 29 Apr 2002, Joshua D Boyd wrote:

> > > or get 4 mainframes. ;)
> >
> > That's what I did. 8-)
> Do any of your IBMs talk FC-AL (IE to serve to a qlogic SANblade card
> type thing)?  What about numerous gige ports?  Hippi?

FC=AL?  No.  They talk multiple bonded ESCON channels to storage.  GigE?
Certainly.  As well as FDDI, ATM, and Token Ring.  The three S/390's have
HIPPI, but the ES/9000 doesn't.

Peace...  Sridhar

"How do you fight such a savage?"

"With heart, faith, and steel.  There can be only one."
	-MacLeod and Ramirez, "Highlander"

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