"this economy" (was Re: [geeks] Ultra 2)

alex j avriette avriettea at speakeasy.net
Sun Apr 28 13:32:08 CDT 2002

>> are you kidding?  refusing to go into the city, i can still easily 
>> command
>> $85K-$95K, if i'm willing to commute into philly (not fucking likely) 
>> i could
>> make $120K easily, probably even more.
> Either you're living in a total fantasy world, or things are very, very
> different where you are from where they are in the DC area, or in SFBA. 
> If

Thats what I was thinking. The upper ceiling of SA positions as far as I 
know is $120k. Above that you've gotta be in an executive position or in 
management somewhere (yuck).

> you're lucky, you *might* be able to make 120k in SFBA, but you would 
> have
> to be very good at some niche.

Or a consultant.

> The salad days are over... if you really think you can get that much, 
> go out
> and give it a shot, then report what you find back here. These days, 
> we're
> just working stiffs.

Yep. I'm glad somebody else balked at that. My understanding of 
programmers and admin positions (in the DC/MD/VA area) is:

sysadmin: $80-$110k/yr
programmer: $70-$90k/yr

I for the most part find this reasonable. My rent comes out to 
$27k/year, and I pay about 34-36% tax on every check. So if we were to 
assume I make $80k/yr, that works out to $24,200 a year to pay for 
utilities (of which I have none, my power and water are covered in rent) 
and other things. Thats > $2000 a month. cash money. More money is 
always better, but I'm reasonably comfortable at what I make.

> Davis

Eek! An architect who cant spell his own name!

just kidding.


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