Dog Poop (was: Re: [geeks] aw yeah.)

Ron 'The InSaNe OnE' Rosson insane at
Sat Apr 27 16:45:58 CDT 2002

>>>>> "dave" == dave  <dave at> writes:

    dave> insane at writes:
    >> Umm.. Your history is a little off on the breed of the American Pitbull
    >> Terrier. They where bred to fight other dogs not to attack humans. Back
    >> in the day when sick bastards ( People who fought dogs for sport and
    >> money ) would do "Pit Fighting" there was a pit dug the place a referee
    >> the owner of each dog into the pit. ( Ok we have three grown men and 2
    >> dogs in a confined space ) If the dog attacked its owner or any other
    >> man it was shot on the spot no questions asked.. That is a trait they
    >> could not afford and did not want in the gene pool.

    dave> What was the pitbull breed that was bred to fight *bears*?

I think that was the English bull dog 


Ron Rosson                                    ... and a UNIX user said ...
The InSaNe One                                        rm -rf *
insane at                        and all was /dev/null and *void()

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