[geeks] Favorite beer?

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Fri Apr 26 04:47:46 CDT 2002

Not only real beer, but the oldst beer in the world... sort of.

Weihenstphaner (Im not sure which is the correct spelling with or without
the first h) is the oldest continuously operating licensed commercial
brewery in the world. Its been brewing beer on a commercial basis for over
600 years. It's also a franciscan monestary. The monks were required to fast
and they could eat no bread. They were however allowed to drink beer. They
would literally go for a week eating and drinking nothing but really good
beer. I think they had something there.

Chris Byrne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> Of ftg
> Sent: 26 April 2002 10:29
> To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Subject: Re: [geeks] Favorite beer?
> Wienstephaner
> Heffeweisen
> ah a real beer from BAVARIA.....really nice stuff.
> ----- translation  WHITE BEER
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