[geeks] O2 graphics compared to entry-levelOctanegraphics?

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Thu Apr 25 11:24:40 CDT 2002

On Thu, Apr 25, 2002 at 12:04:03PM -0400, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> Even that might get too complicated.  Wood is easy to shape, even with
> the most rudimentary of tools.  However, something has started turning
> inside my head.  
> Add a piece of 4x8 plywood
> rip it in half (allow for blade width and subtract it)
> 	animated skillsaw saw runs across the surface
> measure it out and slice to length (allow for blade width...)
> 	animated skillsaw runs across surface
> I nead a rectangular hole atarting 4 inches form the north side and 27
> inches from the west side, continuing to [blah]
> 	Animated jigsaw slices hole

I say screw the animated cuts.  It just wastes the users time.

Joshua D. Boyd

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