[geeks] Carbs are bad, m'kay?

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at twmaster.com
Wed Apr 24 13:47:41 CDT 2002

on 4/24/02 2:31 PM, Steven Hill at sjh at matrix.net wrote:

>> David Passmore wrote:
>>> Now they cause cancer...
>>> http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=578&e=5&cid=578&u=/nm/20020
>>> 424/ts_nm/health_food_cancer_dc_6
>> Jeezuz - it's gonna be so that you can't eat anything but soilent
>> green.  Meat, complex carbs, fat - all have been linked to cancer by
>> some researcher or another...
<chuck running around screaming>

Soylent green is people!........soylent green is people!

</chuck running around screaming>

Sorry could not resist :)

Mike N

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