[geeks] mrbill at mrbill.net: NETGEAR Content Log 11de43

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Tue Apr 23 01:19:41 CDT 2002

Hrm.  Interesting.  

I took a flaky NetGear RP114 back to Frys on Saturday (it started giving 
me all sorts of problems).  Apparently they took it and put it right back 
on the shelf - because I'm getting content logs from it still!  

(I didnt wipe the settings before I reboxed it to return it).

I've contacted a guy at RR/Austin to see if he can find out who had
that IP, and email them to tell them that they need to check their
router config. 8-)

This is just funny.


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Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 00:00:04 -0600
From: mrbill at mrbill.net
To: mrbill at mrbill.net
Subject: NETGEAR Content Log 11de43
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    # Time                                               Source IP        Action              
  1|Mon Apr 22 23:02:46 2002      |    | FORWARD
  2|Mon Apr 22 22:31:18 2002      |    | FORWARD
  3|Mon Apr 22 22:31:16 2002      |    | FORWARD
  4|Mon Apr 22 22:30:26 2002      |    | FORWARD
  5|Mon Apr 22 22:30:03 2002      |    | FORWARD
  6|Mon Apr 22 22:30:02 2002      |    | FORWARD
  7|Mon Apr 22 22:30:01 2002      |    | FORWARD
  8|Mon Apr 22 22:30:01 2002      |    | FORWARD
  9|Mon Apr 22 22:29:54 2002      |    | FORWARD
 10|Mon Apr 22 22:28:23 2002      |    | Time initialized
     Time initialized by NTP server

End of URL Filter Log
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Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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