[geeks] lawn mowing efficiency

Chris Byrne chris at chrisbyrne.com
Mon Apr 22 11:46:29 CDT 2002

Ever Seen/heard the Eddie Izzard take on Push Lawnmowers? VERY funny.

Chris Byrne

> -----Original Message-----
> From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> Of Greg A. Woods

> Now if you really want to pollute less and expend lots of energy, they
> still make push mowers.....  :-)
> (a really sharp blade and good rubber tires on a well lubricated push
> mower can cut quite nicely and without all that much effort -- modern
> models are quite a joy to run, and there's nothing quite so clean a cut
> as a proper cylindrical mower blade that pulls the grass against the
> cutter and then follows up with a little roller!  I've got a 60'x140'
> lot though (with another about 10' frontage), and only a tiny 32'x24'
> house and a small one-car garage with a narrow driveway and most of the
> rest is grass (except the back deck and the garden plot I've been
> working on) -- a push mower would take easily two hours and would have
> to be done twice as often as even with my inefficient mulching electric
> mower)

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