[geeks] reading material (non-computer)

alex j avriette avriettea at speakeasy.net
Sun Apr 21 16:27:25 CDT 2002

On Sunday, April 21, 2002, at 01:09 AM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> I"m sitting here reading Dale Brown's latest ("Warrior Class") and

Read that and liked it. Dale Brown is cool.

> scifi books here as well..  What's everyone else reading?

Just finished reading _The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to 
Master_, was good.
Currently reading _Perdido Street Station_, by China Mieville... 
"Steampunk," weird. good, but weird.
Also, a hard scifi book, _Aftermath_, given to me by my boss.

In the "stack" of to-read (eek, 22 books at current!):
_Return to Rama_ arthur c clarke
_Evolution's Darling_ scott westerfield
_Devil to the Belt_ cj cherryh
_Digital Leatherette_ steve beard
_The Proving Grounds_ g. bruce knecht
_The Portable Edgar Allen Poe_ edgar allen poe
_Crime and Punishment_ fyodor dostoevsky
_The Poisonwood Bible_ Barbara Kingsolver
_Supercharging, Turbocharging, and Nitrous Oxide Injection Manual_ 
earl & diane perkins-davis
_Valhalla Rising_ clive cussler
_Atlantis Found_ clive cussler
_Crusade_ david weber & steve white
_40,000 in Gehenna_ cj cherryh
_Mans Search for Meaning_ victor frankl
_mod_perl Developer's Cookbook_ geoffrey young, paul lindner, randy kobes
_Baghdad Without a Map and Other Misadventures in Arabia_ tony horwitz
_The Master and the Margarita_
_Franz Kafka: The Complete Stories_ franz kafka
_Casino Moscow_ matthew brzezinski
_The Millionaire Next Door_ thomas stanly, william danko
_One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich_ alexander solzhenitsyn
_Revelation Space_ alastair reynolds
_How to Install and Use Nitrous Oxide_ joe pettitt

i'm missing a few, i think. i read about a novel a week and a technical 
book a week, so this should last me a few months. however, some of them 
interest me less than others (my mother and some of my friends send me 
books frequently, which i try to read, but dont always fit into my 
reading plans)


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