[geeks] Ahhh, this does suck

Kurt Mosiejczuk kurt at csh.rit.edu
Thu Apr 18 21:27:10 CDT 2002

On Thu, 18 Apr 2002, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Old news.  From talking to the local TW tech guy, the person at
> TW was *severely* mis-quoted / mis-understood by the author of
> that article.  They were talking about TIERED BANDWIDTH PLANS
> (e.g., faster service for more money), not download caps.

Ah.  Although it wouldn't be the first time TW did something shady
and tried to keep it from the subscribers...

I was laughing at the TW guys when they first started rolling out
their "business" service.  They wanted like $150/month for 128Kbit
business service.  With NO SERVICE GUARANTEES.  So, the businesses
could pay $150/month for the honor of getting dialup speeds.  (Yes,
I realize that dialup speeds are half that, but trust me, at the
time TW was WAY behind on their infrastructure).


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