[geeks] Going the extra mile

Ethan telmnstr at 757.org
Wed Apr 17 22:50:23 CDT 2002

> Some of our bosses do great things for us when we go the extra mile. Money,
> liquer, I know one who invited a worker over to his place and smoked him out
> with some really good shit... ...but what's the most someone has done to
> help deal with the stress of our jobs?

I *THINK* most of the system admins where I work (the younger ones at
least) are paid about $6k less than what the AVERAGE computer job in our
area pays... (Hampton Roads, Virginia). Were talking just any computer

So our contract got won by some other evil corporation with class A office

And to reward us, the rumor is they are taking away the on-call pager pay
for those that carry pagers 24x7. 

Something about when raise time comes they can give raises that aren't as
much but still look like they are giving raises or something.


Oh, and to top it off. My startup business stuff. I call the insurance
companies to get business insurance to complete the requirements for the
lease for the business space (the realtor has tried to fuck me
twice)... and the minute I say "We do some ISP functions, business
only... web hosting and the like as well as creative stuff... small
startup, made less than $4k last year" they immediately say "WE DO NOT
INSURE ISPS" So I say, "No liability" "We won't insure you for anything
unless you have business liability... "


Turns out there is some insurance industry thing against insuring ISPs. If
an ISP is DDoSed or hacked, they mention liability of getting sued. I
countered with "We have a waiver form that our customers fill out" and
they counter with "No way that holds up in court, sorry. Look for someone
that specializes in that industry. Your premium will be high though!"

What a week.

And the weekend is scheduled to get crazier.

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