[geeks] sigh.

wa2egp at att.net wa2egp at att.net
Wed Apr 17 17:46:05 CDT 2002

Well, I do.  I learn a lot too.  I can almost mess 
around with a machine without destroying it ;->

There must be some "behind the scenes" stuff going on 
from the last few messages I've read.  Watch out...the 
teacher is coming out.

(teacher mode on) 
"You will report to room 409 today at 3:10 gentlemen, 
and leave when I say you can!"
(teacher mode off)

;->   Bob

    "You know when you're a teacher when you want to 
yell at someone else's kid at the mall" - anonymous 
> Sometimes i wonder if doing this is worth it at all.  
> Do you people *enjoy* these lists, get some usefulness out of them?  
> Sometimes I wonder if the enjoyment I get out of these lists is worth
> the effort I put into them and the hassle I occasionally get back out
> of them..
> Bill
> -- 
> Bill Bradford
> mrbill at mrbill.net
> Austin, TX
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