[geeks] Where can I get cheap Origin 200s?

Ken Hansen ken at basenji.com
Wed Apr 17 15:13:09 CDT 2002

I have an Origin 200, pedestal case that I would be happy to sell for what
I paid, $550 + S/H - includes dual CPUs, RAM, HD, & CD-ROM (from memory,
not sure of RAM amount or CPU speed, but 256 Meg & 180 MHz seems right).

It is a heavy mother, so S/H may exceed $75 from Pennington, NJ 08534

Please feel free to contact me in interested...


ken at basenji.com		http://www.myfirstsun.com/

On Wed, 17 Apr 2002, Ethan wrote:

> Anyone know where I can get cheap Origin 200s?
> Target price would be $500-600 for single R10k 180mhz CPU,
> rack case, ram and at least 1 disk. The better the config the better.
> Or something.
> They turn up from time to time on eBay, but they either just sit there
> unpurchased or I end up getting outbid.
> If I can't find any I'm going to end up with rackmount 1ghz AMD Athlons
> running FreeBSD. I really like SGI tho, even if the AMD system would be
> a tad bit faster.
> 				-- Ethan
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