[geeks] e.e. smith "lensman" series

Michael A. Turner mturner at whro.org
Mon Apr 15 15:42:14 CDT 2002

	funly enough one of the better depictions of combat that has ever
been shown, that is not on your list, is Forrest Gump. The scene were he
gets the medal of honor. You never see the enemy. It's just massive amounts
of rounds coming from all directions with some flashes in the trees.
Everyone get's hit pretty quick and goes down. Nothing but rampant
confussion. Forrest does not heroically fight off the VC by himself, he
simply runs. and Keeps running. He was lucky, maybe to a large degree but
not unbelivably so. No one sees each other, it's just round being sprayed at
were you think they are. 
	As to small squad tactics for examples I really enjoyed the assault
on the machine gun nest in private ryan. Showed what a small team can do to
a machine gun. Also check out band of brothers, either Episode 2 or 3 , it
recreates the assault on the artilley by the airborne durring d-day by Lt.
winters. Aparently this assault is now taught at west point as it was a
perfect execution. Really great camera work and great action.

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Byrne [mailto:chris at chrisbyrne.com]
> Sent: Monday, April 15, 2002 4:36 PM
> To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> Subject: RE: [geeks] e.e. smith "lensman" series
> Right on man. I have yet to see a movie that showed an 
> accurate depiciton of
> small unit tactics, fire support, forward air control, close 
> air support,
> artillery support, special operations, flight operations, helicopter
> operations, vertical envelopement, vertical insertion, HALO, 
> or rescue of
> any kind.
> Actually I havent seen any accurate depiction of any military 
> action except
> for two movies. Saving private Ryan for the first 20 minutes 
> or so and 84
> Charlie MoPic. I only mention the above because I have at least some
> experience with them.
> We Who Dare
> First There
> That Others May live
> Chris Byrne
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: geeks-admin at sunhelp.org 
> [mailto:geeks-admin at sunhelp.org]On Behalf
> > Of Michael A. Turner
> > Sent: 15 April 2002 21:21
> > To: geeks at sunhelp.org
> > Subject: RE: [geeks] e.e. smith "lensman" series
> >
> >
> > 	As an action movie I thought it was ok. As a small time military
> > buff and an arm chair strategist it ran me up the wall. 
> Apparently in the
> > 23rd century(or when this happened) WWI military doctrine has been
> > determined to be the best. Massed waves of foot troops with
> > rifles charging
> > the enemy. No support weapons (mortars, heavy machine 
> guns), no tanks, no
> > APCs, No artillery, Planes are used only as a bombing 
> mission on emptied
> > territory, no helicopters, ETC. That was not an army, that was a
> > mob lead by
> > no one.
> > 	I figured this was probably because they did not have 
> these items in
> > the book. The reason they were not in the book has each 
> suit was all of
> > these by itself. Someone should have pointed out that if they
> > changed to no
> > suits , they needed to change tactics also. Then again, 
> it's hard to show
> > individual heroism for the camera if everyone is doing their job....
> >
> > Michael A. Turner
> > Systems Engineer
> > WHRO
> > michael.turner at whro.org
> > http://www.whro.org
> >
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