[geeks] just for you guys....

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Sun Apr 14 18:05:37 CDT 2002

On Sun, 14 Apr 2002, Andrew Weiss wrote:
> Who are you defending Amy?... Trannies?... or Possibly masculine-looking
> women in general (there are no masculine looking women on the site
> btw... it's designed to fool even the best of us)... I'm just confused
> as to where this was going in the first place as regarding Cruel.

funny, according to the site itself there are women on there. something
people have missed or forgotten about. as to who i'm defending, well i'm
not so much defending as i am just pissed off because it seems that people
wont grow the fuck up and quit making fun of another's appearrance. the
results of which are of course, cruel.


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