[geeks] i refuse to spend the entire day infront of a computer

Joshua D Boyd jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu
Sun Apr 14 11:04:15 CDT 2002

On Sun, Apr 14, 2002 at 01:21:05AM -0500, Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 13, 2002 at 09:03:15PM -0400, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > Ack.  Please man, find a better guitar if you already have some background.
> > Nothing extravant, just a Japanese or Mexican Strat Standard.
> Whats wrong with a Fender Squier strat?  Made in Mexico, so what?  I had one,
> my 'first strat', and loved it.

Crappy electronics, inferior wood.  Made in mexico has nothing to do with the 
problem.  It's just that a used standard is a far better guitar (when bought
from a reputable dealer instead of one who passes off lemons on newbies),
and not much extra money.

But, at least it wasn't a squire II made in india.  

Joshua D. Boyd

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