[geeks] Big Blue Smoke

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Thu Apr 11 23:41:24 CDT 2002

On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Kurt Huhn wrote:

> > that some large vermin. what, you have giant beavers or something up in
> > RI?
> Huhuhuhuhuhuhh... you said 'giant beavers'...

i had a feeling that would cause that particular commentary ;)

> Giant racoons, skunks, possums, and squirrels.  No shit, the squirrels
> are the size of your average house cat.

hrm, the few squirrels i've seen here are quite puny compared to eastern
squirrels. the racoons though are gigantic. no possums here :( only
dillos. but dillos are sorta cute so i don't see them as a pest.

> The local white trash also like to leave their garbage outside and
> unattended so that leaves food sources for the pests.  The get big, they
> get bold, and before you know it - the pests are completely unafraid of
> humans and that can cause serious problems.

oh that's not too bad. in tn, it's legal to eat roadkill. ick.


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