[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Wed Apr 10 06:59:14 CDT 2002

On April 9, Eric Dittman wrote:
> > >   I always find it amusing when people think they have some sort of
> > > "right-of-way" when put up against two tons of moving metal.  Even the
> > > laws of the land must give way to physics. ;)
> > 
> > exactly! whenever a passenger says to me "you could go, you have the 
> > right of way" i always say:
> > 
> > 
> > you cant sue if youre dead.
> Yes, you do yield to physics, which we did in the event I
> described.  However, if you are in the two tons of moving
> metal, you should yield to common sense and not speed
> through places you shouldn't.
> Failure to yield to physics = death or injury.
> Failure to yield to common sense = lesson in why you shouldn't
> drive like an asshole.

  So are you suggesting that the only time people get hit by cars is
when car drivers break right-of-way laws?


Dave McGuire              "Anybody who is willing to EAT YOU probably isn't
St. Petersburg, FL         such a good person to be hanging out with." -Sridhar

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