[geeks] lowbrow

Mike Hebel nimitz at owc.net
Wed Apr 10 02:05:02 CDT 2002

BR> "Fogg, James" wrote:
>> Oh come on....
>> All geeks know that penis length is measured in units of MIPS owned and
>> running.

BR> "Real men does it 1,000,000 times/sec."

Oh great...here we go...

"It's not the size of the data stream, it's the frequency!"

"It's not the size of your disks, it's how you use them!"

"It's not the rise time of your signal, it's the number of peaks!"

"It's not the type of joystick, it's the games you can play with it!"

"It's not the size of your stack, it's how pay times your can I/O!"

"It's not the size of your rack, it's what you've got in it!

"$FOO Administrators Mount an FSCK better!"

Ad nauseam...

Mike Hebel                        mailto:nimitz at owc.net

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