[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Amy scoobydoo at ohno.mrbill.net
Wed Apr 10 01:09:18 CDT 2002

On Tue, 9 Apr 2002, Peter L. Wargo wrote:
> On Tuesday, April 9, 2002, at 05:45 PM, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> O.K., I had to know... So I checked.
> > Driven by morbid curiosity I've found,
> > 52" chest/back (whatever you call that)
> 50"

36" around the ribcage--too much chocolate milk, too many years in track
and field, choose the poison.

> > 13" forearm
> 13.5"

no idea, but bill can circle it with his fingers.

waist is 32-34, depending on season. hips run from 34-36. preferably 36
because i fucking hate it when my pants fall off :)

the only part of me i despise is my face. i've got my dad's face, which is
naturally wide-set. no matter how much weight i lose or gain it looks the
same. chipmunk cheeks and all. ugh. i look in the mirror some days and
just want to start screaming "HAM! HAM! HAM!" ;)

> 24"  (God, I can't imagine yours!)
> gotta add calf size, Chan sez she likes mine.  (They used to be nicer,
> before I removed a chunk of one...) 18"

too few men have great calves. congrats, you're one of a select number.
they radiate strength.

> Chan's mom is visiting, she sez I look "leaner" than before the
> accident - I have muscle tone, but not as much mass as before.

hrm. maybe because you couldnt move to the fridge for awhile? :)

> > and one other measurement that I'll be keeping between Karin and I :)
> This would be a good time to stop the converstaion with my
> mother-in-law. Only Chan and I know those numbers.  (Well, O.K., one of
> my brothers.  (This is a good Chandra story!) Shortly after I started
> dating Chan, I was over at his place partying.  He started bragging
> about his love life, and how well-off he was.  I was not impressed, and
> told him so.  He countered with the expected query, and I told him.  Of
> course, he didn't believe me.  So I had him call Chandra, who he had not
> met yet.  She confirmed everything without batting an eye.  (Man, I love
> her!)  I don't know what freaked him more: confirmation, or the fact
> that she would deal with a call like that.)

bahaha. i like her. :)


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