[geeks] OS-9 help request....

roosmcd at dds.nl roosmcd at dds.nl
Tue Apr 9 11:44:47 CDT 2002


  Has anyone had any experience with OS-9? Of course I mean the real OS-9, 
version 2.4 :). I'm trying to format a disk, doing it like this:

1.OS-9> inquire -i=0
vendor identification:"QUANTUM LPS1080S        HPE0HP941019000000000000"
1.OS-9> format -c=32 /h0fmt

                Disk Formatter
OS-9/68K V2.4   Philips CD-I - 68070
Syntax: format [<opts>] <devname> [<opts>]
Function: format disk media
    -c=<num>   cluster size (1)
    -dd        double density (floppy) disk
    -ds        double sided (floppy) disk
    -e         display elapsed verify time
    -i=<num>   interleave offset value
    -np        inhibit physical format
    -nv        inhibit physical verify
    -nf        inhibit fast mode verify
    -r         ready (don't ask)
    -sd        single density (floppy) disk
    -ss        single sided (floppy) disk
    -t=<num>   number of cylinders (tracks)
    -v=<name>  volume name
format: can't open '/h0fmt' for writing
Error #000:246

 It should work, there's a script on my CD that works exactly the same. Only 
the script fails too.. I've tried changing disks, "format /d0" works on the 
floppy drive. Has anyone got an idea? Are there other people still working with 
OS9? All tips are welcome....


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