[geeks] what about the rest of the family?

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Tue Apr 9 00:56:04 CDT 2002

On Monday, April 8, 2002, at 07:33 PM, Bill Bradford wrote:

> What about the rest of the family?  Pete - Chandra?  Kurt - Karin?

O.K., go to:


 From there you can see some pix of the dogs (used by an artist), as well 
as come of Chan and I - the links are at the top of the page.)  Most 
recent of the two of us is on the Pete & Chan page, taken in March of 
this year.  I'd like to get another one, maybe while Chan's mom is 

(thanks to the Physical Therapy, I have my muscle tone back.  Whoohoo!  
The picture on the main page (and on my basenji.com homepage) was taken 
this summer, and I am slumping a bit.)

I like iTools.  Free storage of non-essential stuff...


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