[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Steven Hill sjh at matrix.net
Mon Apr 8 23:06:34 CDT 2002

> Oh boy.  That's asking for it.

Yeah, our bar staff didn't like the kid much, nor did the guy who ran
the games machines.

> > Ah, those halcyon days.
> What was it?  A bar?  Nightclub?


Edinburgh University Union. The original and best.

Teviot Row House, student run 1889 - 2002.


I need to put the pages I designed when I was webmaster back online
somewhere... www.waroffice.net is having *cough* technical
difficulties *cough*

I was on the house committee from 1996 until last month, doing
publicity, tech, web and security in my time...


Steven Hill
Systems Administrator


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