[geeks] what about the rest of the family?

Brian Hechinger wonko at arkham.ws
Mon Apr 8 22:51:08 CDT 2002

On Mon, Apr 08, 2002 at 11:35:10PM -0400, jeff borisch wrote:
> >http://www.arkham.ws/~wonko/images/Avalon/

oh god yes.  it's great.  especially since you wake her up, give her a bath
and brush it, and it's all Shirely Temple.  give it a couple hours though and
it does strait to Carol King. :)

> ok here's me...

little guy!

> http://homepage.mac.com/horshacktest/PICS/me/Pie-group-2.jpg
> me with the beer.

not much bigger!  :)

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 your best foot, cut one off. Then it doesn't matter."   - www.lowbrow.com -

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