[geeks] what is the world coming to...

Steven Hill sjh at matrix.net
Mon Apr 8 13:13:00 CDT 2002

> > When I was made fun of in high-school for being overweight, a simple
> > demonstration of strength was enough to shut most of 'em up.  Now that
> > I'm over 30, I find that simple "I will eat you for lunch" staredown
> > works wonders - though to be honest I haven't had to use that since I
> > was about 25.  At 5'10" and 215lb with ~15% bodyfat, not many people
> > care to confront me - over much of anything...
> At 6' and 250 lbs, the boss colls me "the enforcer".  I have some neat
> shades that reinforce the effect.  I think most people find bald men
> unsettling...


6'8" ~300lbs

The War Office
Big Man - in that wonderful Scottish sense.

I am not bald, though I usually keep my hair cut short, you definitely
win on that one ;-)

My favourite was when I was doing security work at Edinburgh
University Union, the number of people that would come up to me with
the "You think you're hard because you are big attitude" never ceased
to amaze me. I usually set one of my short, ginger haired female
colleagues on them. That showed them.

I was taking a shot of head doorman for a few hours, when my ex GF was
getting hassled by a short irritating girl with a big mouth. I
wandered over, explained that she would not be coming in tonight, and
that she should go away and stop wasting the oxygen around me.
She made a few comments which royally irritated my ex. (About possible
previous GFs, I hasten to add.) She then called me Fat.

My reply:

"I may be fat, but you're ugly. I can always lose weight!"

I was actually called in to the Union manager's office about that. Oh
how the Manager laughed.

Then to the Bar, and to my lighting rig :-)


Steven Hill
Systems Administrator


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