[geeks] Video card recommendations <cont.>

Andrew Weiss ajwdsp at cloud9.net
Sun Apr 7 21:13:09 CDT 2002

I think it uses a lot of effects... there are certainly a ton of them in 
the menu settings... (we're talking about Return to Castle 
Wolfenstein... not the original btw).  The fog and lighting effects are 
amazing on my brother's Athlon XP.  He just got a GeForce 4 128 MB 
card.  He's one of those bleeding edge PC-gamers who doesn't know jack 
about his machine once you stray from a fine line of system knowledge... 
(he believes in all those bench-marking apps and tweaking apps 
(monitoring temperature and everything)) I bust a gut laughing every 
time he shows me something and his system goes down in flames....He's 
the one who we toasted his last Athlon XP 1700 because the heat sink was 


On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 09:20 PM, Sridhar the POWERful wrote:

> On Sun, 7 Apr 2002, Big Endian wrote:
>>> Right now I have a TNT 1 16MB the sound stutters and when there are
>>> a lot of guys in the room on Wolfenstein it is intensely jerky.  If
>>> you add detail it doesn't seem to change it too much until you bump
>>> the res a notch higher.  I'd like it to be slightly sluggish perhaps
>>> but a whole lot more playable (smooth sluggishness if you know what
>>> I mean).
>> This is a CPU loading issue from the sounds of it.
> Doesn't Wolfenstein not even use graphic acceleration?
> Peace...  Sridhar
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