[geeks] I now know what "blogging" is.

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at basenji.com
Sun Apr 7 15:48:42 CDT 2002

On Sunday, April 7, 2002, at 12:10 , Geek wrote:

> Have you read my blog? I have never described what I ate, nor have I
> ever mentioned taking a shit, thanks. In fact most don't. They are
> very personal things, where people can share their thoughts on
> topics. In some ways the stuff I read about and blog about is similar
> to the stuff on this list actually. I prefer to read weblogs like Doc
> Searls(http://doc.weblogs.com), Dave

Pretentious.  I don't care that he went skiing, and I'm happy that he 
thinks he's a paying customer, not a consumer.  But, I. DON'T. GIVE. A. 

> Winer(http://www.scriptingnews.com) and Robert

Booooooring.  Waste of bandwidth.

> Scoble(http://scoble.weblogs.com) all of which are generally
> technical blogs.

Why the hell would I care what he thought of the space center, or 
dizneeland, or anything else?

> Geek Blog http://www.geekblog.net/

Sorry, dude, I think you are a nice guy, but I really don't care if your 
parents are home.

"Blogging" is even worse than those voyeuristic "reality" shows on TV.  
What ever happened to plain old human interaction?  Would you really sit 
down and tell somebody all of that worthless pap in a conversation?  
NO.  Sorry, but to me blogging is a sign that:

A) Somebody thinks their life is important.
B) Somebody *wishes* their life were important.
C) Somebody can't go out and interact with people.
D) Somebody didn't learn how to write properly, so they'd rather spew a 
stream of waste matter across the aether.

As for it being similar to the geeks list, not a chance.  When somebody 
writes about an event, they tend to edit it and make it readable (in 
general), as well as making a summary.  For example, I made appreciative 
noises about Vietnamese food.  I did not write:

"Well, Chan and I slept most of Saturday afternoon, as it felt good for 
all of us to be curled in a pile together on the bed.  When we woke up 
around 5:30, we had terrific sex, and then Chan took the dogs out while 
I cleaned up the kitchen.  Wow, there is a lot of stuff piled on our 
counter.  I did find the new copy of 'Road & Track', so I will have 
bathrooom reading later on.  After Chan came back, I convinced her to 
drive to our favorite Vietnamese place.  She drove, as we took the Volvo 
and we didn't want to adjust the seats.  Traffic was light, so we made 
good time - except for the I15/163 split, where some idiot almost cut us 
off.  When we got there, the staff was surprised to see me at a time 
other than lunch.  While we were perusing the 400-item menu, Chan 
ordered a Vietnamese iced coffee, and I ordered Rau Ma.  We also split 
an order of Goi Cuon.  When the waiter took our order, Chan asked him 
for broken rice with char-grilled pork and an egg, while I asked for #41 
(my favorite non-Pho soup), and an order of large steamed noodles with 
ground pork and ham roll.  The waiter was worried that it was too much 
food until I explained that I would be taking some home.  When they 
brought out the fish sauce, I was pleased to see that they had put 
chilie in mine, proving they do know me there.  Chan ended up drinking 
her coffee w/o putting it over the ice, so she ordered another one.  
When the meal came, I dug into the soup, sharing some with Chan, while 
she gave me some of her pork.  That led into a joke about "porking" that 
had us laughing fo quite some time.  I ate a bunch of the little 
serrano-like chilies with my meal, as I like them and the taste is 
really "greenish" to me.  After we ate, we drove back up Convoy street 
to Balboa, then over to 805 North - we decided to stop by my office so I 
could take some of my pills that I forgot to take with me.  Chan also 
wanted to see the work I'd done on my office and the labs.  When we got 
to my office, we went in and Chan commented on how much she liked my 
"redesigned" office.  We also went up and looked at the upstairs where 
they are remodling in order to move marketing/field support in.  I 
showed her the comptuer lab where I had just finished putting an E4500 
(one of the best servers Sun ever made, IMO) in and a big NFS server.  I 
also showed her some of the other experiments, stuff I cannot talk 
about.  Then we almost left, but her stomach was bothering her (too much 
coffee, I think), so I went back in and got her some Chinese herbal 
"curing" pills that I keep in my office.  We then drove over to the La 
Jolla Whole Foods market, where we went shopping for some fresh fruit 
and dried fruits. (I need more fiber!)...

I give up.  I can't even type anymore, I'm boring *myself*.  Not to 
mention I'm wasting time that could be spent doing something useful, 
like clipping my toenails.


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