[geeks] I now know what "blogging" is.

Jonathan C. Patschke jp at celestrion.net
Sat Apr 6 22:54:23 CST 2002

On Sat, 6 Apr 2002, Bill Bradford wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 06, 2002 at 11:11:42PM -0500, Joshua D Boyd wrote:
> > I wasn't crazy about her.  I thought her character was irritating and that
> > she seemed outdated.  The therapist thing didn't help.
> You paid attention to the *acting*?  YOu really DO need to get out more,
> Josh.

I'm with Josh on this point, but then, my taste in women hasn't changed,
and Troi definitely doesn't fit it.  What annoyed me wasn't so much her
acting, but her character:

Picard:  Hail them, Mr. Worf.
  * Chime *
Worf:    Hailing frequencies open, sir.
  * Sound of photon torpedoes hitting the Enterprise *
Riker:   Incomiiing!
LaForge: Shields are down to 60%.
Wesley:  Auuugh!  Nosebleed!
Troi:    I sense hostility, Captain.

If you accepted that she was cast as a dingbat psychobabblist, the acting
was dead-on.


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