Brian Hechinger's "low end" (was: Re: [geeks] NAT and Filtering on Solaris)

Peter L. Wargo pwargo at
Tue Apr 2 01:00:05 CST 2002

On Monday, April 1, 2002, at 10:01 PM, Brian Hechinger wrote:

> god dammit people, quotes for christ's sake.  LOOK AT THE QUOTES!

dog dammit, look at the next line! :-)

>> Seriously, a U2 could be called "cheap" these days (going for 19K less

>> i have high standards.  i wouldn't run any serious task on anything 
>> less than
> an ultra2.

Define a "serious task".  A few years back, a company I worked for ran 
Lawson, and all their complex finance crap on a U1.  Plenty fast.

I truly believe that 90% of CPU cycles out there are wasted anyhow.  Not 
that I'll be giving up my dual-CPU G4 anytime soon...


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