[geeks] Anyone need some computing time or shell?

David Cantrell geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Mar 16 05:22:28 CST 2001

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On Thu, Mar 15, 2001 at 03:48:06PM -0800, Christopher Byrne wrote:

> I just finished the major project I was doing with my U10, and now it's
> sitting around idle. ANyone need some CPU time on an Sol8 machine, or a
> shell account? It's on an always on 1.5meg synchronus internet connection
> with a static IP address

Well, I have a leetle project I'd like to work on involving a small network
of ipsec gateways set up such that outgoing traffic from workstations hidden
behind them will appear to pop out of random nodes on the net.  However,
my Solaris knowledge is rather limited so it probably wouldn't be a good

And yes, UK people, this *is* to do with RIP.

David Cantrell | root at alphacomplex.org | http://www.cantrell.org.uk/david/

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