[geeks] Big Damn File System....

Gregory Leblanc geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Jun 22 11:07:09 CDT 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Joshua D. Boyd [mailto:jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu]
> hold more drives), a few cheapish SCSI drives, and a used 
> Raid5 controller
> (those things can be had for under $100 on ebay!!!).  MP3s will always
> stay on cheaper IDE solutions, but I would like to get my data to
> something more fool proof.

Depending on what you have for a machine, and you're looking for cheap...
I'd go for software RAID 5 over an older RAID 5 card.  The older cards were
pretty darn slow.  I haven't done much performance testing on SPARCs for
RAID 5, but a P-166, with decent SCSI hardware, is plenty fast enough for
doing RAID5, and NFS.  If you want really huge capacity, get a 3Ware IDE
RAID card, and throw a bunch of big IDE drives at it.  Oops, you got me
started on RAID...

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