[geeks] an interesting evening.

Brian Hechinger geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Jul 30 00:59:34 CDT 2001

On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 05:57:43AM +0000, Kris Kirby wrote:
> > (I'm talking about the network, you pervs! 8-)
> >  I was rackmounting the switch and had EVERYTHING
> >  unplugged and disconnected..)
> I never do that. I always have a device (be it a 10Mbit hub) to bypass
> everything. What me, deal with downtime?

ok, i've tried and i've tried, but i can't keep my mouth shut anymore.

FDDI NEVER GOES DOWN.  Amy could be continuously pleased.

take that any which way you want, no matter how much bill tries to brush it
off (I'm talking about the network, you pervs! 8-) he was trolling and he did
indeed NOT have the network in mind when he sent that mail. :)


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