[geeks] Easy to dis-assemble systems...

Ken Hansen geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Jul 24 12:53:07 CDT 2001

Well, looking back, I felt like I was 17 right through High School, College, and my first two jobs - it was only when I was about 26 or so that I started to think of myself as anything but "a kid." Now, as I approach 40, I find myself think in terms of "mid-life" - "grown-up" and crufty...

Not very "l33t" at all.

When I worked at a Digital Strategy consulting firm, the average employee was younger than me by about 5 years - that was off-setting, and now in my new company, I think I have almost 10 years on the average employee.

No regrets, no complaints - just an observation...


-----Original Message-----
From: joshua d boyd [mailto:jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2001 1:37 PM
To: geeks at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [geeks] Easy to dis-assemble systems...

> Ken
> (Feeling every bit of 37!)

Sheesh, you sound like an old fogy compared to some of the 45+ year old
programmers I know.  Those mainframes must really age you quickly...

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