[geeks] fantasy christmas wish lists

geeks at sunhelp.org geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 18 18:17:30 CST 2001

mrbill at mrbill.net writes:

>Okay, if everyone could get ANYTHING computer-related they wanted for
>christmas, what would it be?

>My list:

>	- PowerMac G4 DP 867Mhz, 22" Cinema Display, maxed out
>	- Cray EL98 (so I can say "yes, I have a cray")
>	- Complete set of Cisco CCNA/CCDA training kits
>	- Metro shelving in the garage to organize the piles of DEC docs
>	- "TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1"
>	- Old Cisco LocalDirector for use w/SunHELP, maybe an old PIX too
>	  (why old/used?  Why pay more for features I dont need?)
>	- Solid-state (no tubes!) Shortwave/HF xcvr (Icom IC718!)
>	- http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/wishlist/1TO7AFBP8KV2B 8-)

Totally unrealistic:

	IBM-360 (any model)

Realistic, but not for xmas:


Realistic for xmas:

	Cheap laser printer
	New sony camera

-------- David Fischer --------- dave at cca.org --------- www.cca.org --------
---------------------- "It's something to do." -Cerebus --------------------

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