[geeks] fantasy christmas wish lists

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 18 17:47:02 CST 2001

On Tue, 18 Dec 2001, Bill Bradford wrote:

> Okay, if everyone could get ANYTHING computer-related they wanted for
> christmas, what would it be?

> 	- PowerMac G4 DP 867Mhz, 22" Cinema Display, maxed out

If they made one. :-)

> Why no Sun stuff?  Cuz I've already got a SunBlade 1000 on my desk at home,
> and I *dont* like the Sun 18.1" flatpanels... Course, maybe a CS6400 would
> be nifty... or a multi-cpu SPARCserver 1000...

I know where there is a CS6400, you have three-phase for it? :-)

As for my list:

-G4 800MP, 1.5G, 3x36G U160 SCSI drives, 22" cinema, a metric buttload of
audio gear, etc.
- A good electric guitar
- A deskside SunFire (a 3800, perhaps)
- A good rack system for the den.
- Power (electrical, I live in CA)
- A T3.


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