[geeks] I'm Going To Jail (was) Starshine 3

Bill Bradford geeks at sunhelp.org
Fri Dec 7 14:37:30 CST 2001

On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 03:24:56PM -0500, s at avoidant.org wrote:
> I actually had someone believe that once. I own ominsky.net, and the
> OmniSky service uses omnisky.net for user e-mail addresses. See this:
> ominsky.net
> omnisky.net
> So I get all sorts of mail. 

When I worked at (ISP THAT SHALL NOT BE NAMED), we registered 
texas.edu (it was a lot easier to get .edu's back then, than it
is now).    The domain has since been un-regged, btw.

Keep in mind that the University of Texas is utexas.edu.  
Their mailserver/MX host is mail.ots.utexas.edu.  etc.

We created texas.edu, mail.ots.texas.edu, pointed MX at it,
etc.. and got great amusement from the mis-directed email
that poured in.


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX

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