[geeks] RE: Garlic (WAS [rescue] Re: geek vehicles)

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 27 18:47:09 CDT 2001

On Mon, 27 Aug 2001, Fogg, James wrote:

> Actually, the peope who live off this kind of food are the longest lived
> humans around (could be the vodka too :o)

I knew of a Polish couple in Schenectady, NY who celebrated their 80th
wedding anniversary a few years back - he was 106, she was 101 (or
something close), they *danced* at the reception.  Their claim was that
"good polish cooking" kept them healthy.

As a Slovak-type meself (Grandma & Grandpa came over ont he boat from
Hungary), That has got to be some nasty-ass food.  Starch and fat galore.
Just goes to show - Suzanne Summers can go sit on it and rotate, I'm
gettin me some good goulash....


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