[geeks] Hey look, an ISP in a box!

Zach Malone geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 22 20:59:37 CDT 2001

I agree, however, if you have sufficient money kicking around, thats how you
would pick up a bunch of machines cheaply.  You just have to decode that 1
page sentence first.
----- Original Message -----
From: "joshua d boyd" <jdboyd at cs.millersville.edu>
To: <geeks at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Wednesday, August 22, 2001 9:35 PM
Subject: Re: [geeks] Hey look, an ISP in a box!

> On Wed, Aug 22, 2001 at 09:37:40PM -0400, Ken Hansen wrote:
> > http://cgi.ebay.com/aw-cgi/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=1267193072
> >
> > I wonder how much to ship it?! ;^)
> Wow, that is an appaling listing.  What exactly are they trying to
> do?  Sell the business?  Then advertise it as such.  And regardless, clean
> up the listings formatting.
> --
> Joshua D. Boyd
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