[geeks] dancing monkey boy

Kurt Huhn geeks at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 9 12:48:09 CDT 2001

> http://www.detonate.net/media/dancemonkeyboy.mpg

holy crap!

1) this guy really thinks highly of himself!  I mean - come on - "Give it up
for me!"....
2) he *really* needs to have a cardiologist handy the next time he does
something like that
3) someone should have told him that large white men jumping around to
Gloria Estefan is *not* good marketing
4) I'd love that company too, if I had his paycheck (1)

(1) I made the same quote to the VP of Sales of a company I used to work for
after he shouted a similar exclamation.  I told him I'd like the company a
whole lot more though, if we were actually selling something :)  My comment
may have been weighed in my eventual recovery from that company...


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