[geeks] Three heads

Kris Kirby geeks at sunhelp.org
Mon Aug 6 19:58:49 CDT 2001

On Sun, 5 Aug 2001, Jody Stephens wrote:
> *sweet*
> Three heads are *way* better that one. Truly the gods smile upon me :^)

My old desktop machine from work (which used to have two heads) now is
wearing three video cards, all ATI Mach64s (one AGP, two PCI), but I can't
set it up because I don't have enough phyiscal real-estate (desk-space)
for the 20", 17" and 15" and the other PC. 8-) Eventually, I'll have
another 20".

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.catonic.net>   |
"Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony."

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