[geeks] Lunchtime poll... who here is a smoker?

Peter L. Wargo geeks at sunhelp.org
Wed Apr 11 17:14:26 CDT 2001

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, Ken Hansen wrote:

> Well, seven days of:
> "I'm not giving up, can't you wear..." and

Hmmm... But it was more of a two-way street, since she hated what I hated,
and we both smoked... (When I was a DJ, I was killing 3 packs a day.

> "I'm not wearing, can't you give up..." cnouldn't have been that much
> fun for either one - if they could have decided sooner, I'm sure they
> would have. (Maybe she just wanted to finish off her last carton?)

Hee, hee... 

> Notice the resolution, she gave up the cigarettes (and Peter shaved
> his head? ;^)...

ROTFL!  (See previous post for the "final solution".  I HIGHLY recommend
that one for ya Ken, for public good... :-)


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