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Patch 2104 : NFS rollup #8 for Irix 6.2 : [IRIX 6.2]

  • Relations
  • Release Notes
  • Inst Subsystem Requirements
  • Inst Subsystem Checksums
  • Inst Subsystem File Listings
  • Download Patch


    This patch replaces the following patches:
    1240, 1393, 1437, 1448, 1608, 1735, 2042

    This patch is incompatible with the following patches:
    1276, 1621, 1756, 1915

    This patch fixes the following bugs:
    302721 - NFS version 2 does not pass connectathon open/rename test
    358785 - kernel panic - nfs3readdirplus (mounting an atria directory)
    359683 - Far too many setattrs in NFSv3
    360700 - PANIC: KERNEL FAULT - glacier.engr running 6.2-mar09h.G
    369374 - nfs(3) don't initialize pbdev always
    375390 - Deadlock in acquiring inode lock and aspacelock
    378158 - flock hang when writing to geneva.mti across nfs
    379574 - NLM server responds improperly to retransmitted lock requests
    383918 - NFS go slow
    392807 - NFS3 - client data doesn't update after server changes.
    394222 - jot destroys files on nfs3 mounted directories
    394385 - file attributes are not always updated properly with file locking
    399824 - bug: ex/vi startup time on an nfs mount is horrible (~15 seconds)
    402692 - nfs3 buggers up iso-9660 FS's
    404410 - Patch 1437 problem with ls command
    406888 - automount reached kernel limit of 256 in MINORMAPSIZE
    411885 - Xauthority fails with 6.2 nfs3 home directories after 5.3 upgrade
    412281 - major device number wrong for NFS3 mounted devices
    418493 - cachefs sometimes caches the wrong data
    422814 - nfs3 mount hangs with pvmd3 running
    428159 - system panics in call from vn_reclaim() due to freed?/corrupted vnode
    430822 - NFS panic in nfs_vget
    432972 - NFS2 readdir fails on HP/UX 10.20 and Auspex for big directories
    433429 - nfs3 hangs machine doing nfs_purge_caches()
    435114 - Kernal panic during file write
    445408 - tlbmiss panic from makenfs3node in nfs3readdirplus call
    447729 - fhtovp_end:(VFS_GET failed or vp NULL) messages disable console
                    and fill SYSLO

    454538 - System kernel panics when trying to connect to Intergraph NFS Server
                    using nfs

    454597 - BUG NFS file locking on the client can fail to get a new port number
    455639 - APP: CATIA - permission problem when lock is set with NFS3
    457145 - nfs3 over third party filesystems
    457662 - file system id for a nfs mounted fs ie not right...
    460403 - nfs3 client sometimes uses slightly out of date attributes
    463244 - NT 4.0NT client w/Intergraph Disk Access crashes 5.3 and 6.2 SGI

    467350 - DMAPI requests can tie up NFS daemons
    467586 - find command over NFS v2 shows two duplicate lines of output
    469123 - AIX, HP-UX nfs client file locking breaks w/ 6.2 SGI lockd server
    470179 - TAKE - unreported bugs found and fixed at connectathon
    470452 - changes to count on nfs readdir requests breaks compatibility
    474898 - NLM Cancel request are not honored properly
    476784 - nfsd crashes -- rfs_dispatch() involved.
    480231 - Patch 1735 kernel panics when ClearCase daemons started.
    481998 - can't bind af_unix socket over nfs3 - errno 22
    489374 - APP: NFS file locking fails in mixed OS networks - and with NFS3
    492432 - NFS3 : far too many ACCESS (lookup) compared to SUN nfs3
    495969 - in NFS, writes to locked regions of a file can overwrite unlocked

    495987 - NLM file locking hang at Disney
    496671 - 6.3 kernel leaks durring NFS lock stress-test
    497094 - grace period lock denials are placed into the NLM dup cache
    499569 - DMAPI Read Events Missing for NFS V2
    504703 - named pipe/nfs2 panic
    508579 - NFS panic during lock reclaim


    1. Patch SG0002104 Release Note

           This release note describes patch SG0002104 to IRIX 6.2.
    1.1 Supported Hardware Platforms
           This patch contains bug fixes for all machine types
           supported by IRIX 6.2.  This patch subsumes patches
           SG0001240, SG0001393 , SG0001437 SGI0001448 and SG0001608,
           SG001735, and SG002042.
    1.2 Supported Software Platforms
           This patch contains bug fixes for IRIX 6.2.  The software
           cannot be installed on other configurations.
    1.3 Bugs Fixed by Patch SG0002104
           This patch contains fixes for the following bugs in IRIX
           6.2.  Bug numbers from Silicon Graphics bug tracking system
           are included for reference.
              o NFS version 2 open-rename processing now works.  (Bug
              o Brings NLM versions 1 and 3 into conformance with the
                XNFS specification with respect to the use of
                NLM_GRANTED and NLM_GRANTED_MSG.  (Bug #469123)
              o Fixes a kernel panic on lock requests from PCs.  (Bug
              o Fixes a problem where file attributes are not always
                updated properly at file lock boundaries (lock or
                unlock).  (Bug #394385)
              o NFS sequential performance is too low, add Bulk Data
                Service.  (Bug #383918)  See the Bulk Data Service
                release notes, and Getting Started with BDSpro for more
              o NFS file lock requests can hang.  (Bug #378158)
              o The NLM server responds improperly to retransmitted
                lock requests when the original request was blocked.
                (Bug #379574)
              o NFS Version 3 client panics when trying to access a
                namefs or Atria file system (Bugs #358785 and #360700)
              o NFS Version 3 clients issue unnecessary setattr calls.
                (Bug #359683)
              o NFS Version 3 servers incorrectly export loopback
                mounted filesystems.  This shows up as a client's
                failure to access remote CDROMs and DOS directories.
                Patch 1222 is also required for correct handling of
                statfs(2).  (Bug #360700)
              o System panics in chunkread.  This is a very rare panic.
                (Bug #369374)
              o Programs using sproc(2) and accessing NFS or NFS3 files
                by both mmap(2) and read(2)/write(2) could cause the
                system to deadlock.  (Bug #375390)
              o Updates to files on the server are sometimes not seen
                by the clients (Bug #392807)
              o Fixes bug that was causing extremely slow startup for
                vi and slow response from /bin/pwd for filesystems
                exported with the nohide option. (Bug #399824)
              o Fixes to the Directory Name lookup cache handling in
                nfs version 3 speeds up ls -lR and fixes iso9660 cdrom
                handling.  Note: These fixes affect both nfs client and
                nfs server code.  If a server has not applied patch
                1448, clients that have may see unusual behaviour when
                trying to read directories that are mountpoints
                exported with the nohide option.  (Bug #402692)
              o Fixes the problem in nfs version 3 where setuid
                programs could not read files readable by the real
                user.  (Bug #411885)
              o NFS version 3 now returns the correct device major
                number.  (Bug #412281)
              o Fixed the problem that was causing processes to hang in
                NFS version 3 with patch 1437 (Bug #404410, Bug
              o Fixes the temporary corruption caused by using Jot on
                NFS version 3 filesystems.  (Bug #394222)
              o NFS version 2 was getting decode errors trying to read
                directories from HP and Auspex systems (Bug #432972)
              o Fixes the problem with processing hanging in
                nfs_purge_caches.  (Bug #433429)
              o Fixes a panic in nfs_vget.  (Bug #430822)
              o Corrects a problem where the client receives
                RPC_PROGUNAVAIL and returns an error when the server
                crashes and comes back up.  (Bug #454597)
              o Eliminates the fhtovp_end:(VFS_GET failed or vp NULL)
                messages (Bug #447729)
              o Kernel panic'd when trying to connect to Intergraph NFS
                Server using NFS version 3. (Bug #454538)
              o Fixes a panic when using nfs version 3 over an Amass
                filesystem.  (Bug #457145)
              o Correct a bug where both versions of NFS return the
                incorrect file system ID.  (Bug #457662)
              o Make the nfs minor maps dynamic to allow more than 256
                mounts.  (Bug #406888)
              o Corrects problem in readdirplus that was causing
                tlbmiss panics.  (Bug #445408)
              o Corrects permission problem with locks caused by
                extraneous commit call (Bug #455639)
              o Fix NFS version 3 client attribute problem, causing
                client to use slightly out of date attributes (Bug
              o Fixed a few interoperability problems discovered at
                Connectathon 97, including guard time mismatch problem,
                readdir cookie verifier problem, and a problem with TCP
                record sizes (Bug #470179)
              o Fix NFS version 3 server panic when client ignores
                FSINFO values and sends a read request larger than the
                negotiated maximum transfer size.  (Bug #463244)
              o Fix NFS to not hang up nfsd processes when waiting for
                a DMAPI application to reload file to disk.  (Bug #
              o NFS version 3 mknod was creating special files with the
                wrong major/minor numbers. (Bug # 468061)
              o System panics in free routines called from
                rfs_dispatch.  (Bug # 476784)
              o NFS version 3 sometimes returns the wrong data to
                CacheFS.  (Bug # 418493)
              o Fix some cookie error NFS3 readdir path that caused
                problems with some xfs directories.(Bug #467586)
              o Change the way nfs version 2 clients set up a READDIR2
                call so that it is compatible with NeXtStep and other
                legacy NFS implementations. (Bug #470452)
              o Fix error introduced in Patch 1735 that caused panics
                when ClearCase file system is mounted. (Bug #480231)
              o Fixes for V_SOCK support in nfs version 3 (Bug
                #481998). This bug was actually fixed in patch 1608,
                but not mentioned in the release notes.
              o NLM Cancel request were not honored properly. (Bug
              o APP: NFS file locking failed in mixed OS networks - and
                with NFS3 (Bug #489374)
              o In NFS, writes to locked regions of a file could
                overwrite unlocked regions (Bug #495969)
              o Grace period lock denials were placed into the NLM dup
                cache (Bug #497094)
              o NFS version 3 was doing way too many ACCESS calls.
                (Bug #492432)
              o NFS version 2 was not sending reqiuired DMAPI read
                events.  (Bug #499569)
              o NFS file locking hangs.  (Bug #495987)
              o Kernel memory leak on the NFS server when file locking
                is used.  (Bug #496671)
              o Kernel panic when reclaiming file locks.  (Bug #508579)
              o Kernels were panic'ing during reboot after a FailSafe
                takeover or while moving failover resources back and
                forth between the two nodes in a cluster.  (Bug 428159)
              o Any stat of a named pipe in an nfs version 2 or 3
                filesystem would result in the following error: "Can't
                stat vfs: Stale NFS file handle" (Bug 504703)
    1.4 Subsystems Included in Patch SG0002104
           This patch release includes these subsystems:
              o patchSG0002104.eoe_sw.unix
              o patchSG0002104.nfs3_sw.nfs3
              o patchSG0002104.nfs_sw.nfs
    1.5 Installation Instructions
           Because you want to install only the patches for problems
           you have encountered, patch software is not installed by
           default. After reading the descriptions of the bugs fixed in
           this patch (see Section 1.3), determine the patches that
           meet your specific needs.
           If, after reading Sections 1.1 and 1.2 of these release
           notes, you are unsure whether your hardware and software
           meet the requirements for installing a particular patch, run
           Patch software is installed like any other Silicon Graphics
           software product.  Follow the instructions in your Software
           Installation Administrator's Guide to bring up the miniroot
           form of the software installation tools.
           Follow these steps to select a patch for installation:
             1.  At the Inst&gtprompt, type
                 install patchSGxxxxxxx
                 where xxxxxxx is the patch number.
             2.  Select the desired patches for installation.
             3.  Initiate the installation sequence. Type
                 Inst> go
             4.  You may find that two patches have been marked as
                 incompatible.  If this occurs, you must deselect one
                 of the patches.
                 Inst> keep patchSGxxxxxxx
                 where xxxxxxx is the patch number.
             5.  After completing the installation process, exit the
                 inst program by typing
                 Inst> quit
           To remove a patch, use the versions remove command as you
           would for any other software subsystem.  The removal process
           reinstates the original version of software unless you have
           specifically removed the patch history from your system.
           versions remove patchSGxxxxxxx
           where xxxxxxx is the patch number.
           To keep a patch but increase your disk space, use the
           versions removehist command to remove the patch history.
           versions removehist patchSGxxxxxxx
           where xxxxxxx is the patch number.

    No Requirements Information Available.


    These checksums help to provide a 'signature' for the patch inst image which can be used to authenticate other inst images. You can obtain this kind of output by running sum -r on the image (from the command line):

    53538      6   patchSG0002104
    44321      7   patchSG0002104.eoe_hdr
    10697   2845   patchSG0002104.eoe_sw
    48459     18   patchSG0002104.idb
    15846   1070   patchSG0002104.nfs3_sw
    56655   1845   patchSG0002104.nfs_sw


    The following lists the files which get installed from each subsystem in the patch:





    Download Server File Name Date Added Size Download patchSG0002104.tar 13-Aug-1997 2.9 Mb FTP HTTP Add to download cart patchSG0002104.tardist 13-Aug-1997 2.9 Mb FTP HTTP
    FTP = download using FTP protocol
    HTTP = download using HTTP protocol
    Add to shopping list= store in your basket for downloading later

    Document Id: 20021117065342-IRIXPatch-1076