Choosing an Installation Method

Once your SPARC system has booted, and the installation program is running, you'll be asked to choose an installation method (unless you've booted directly from CD-ROM, in which case a CD-ROM installation method is assumed). Red Hat Linux/SPARC can be installed by any of the following methods:

CD-ROM Installation

This is the most straightforward method. It requires a Red Hat Linux/SPARC CD-ROM, and a Sun-supported CD-ROM connected to your SPARC system.

Hard Drive Installation

This installation method requires that the contents of the Red Hat Linux/SPARC CD-ROM (or equivalent files) have been copied to a hard disk directly attached to your SPARC system. It is important to note that the partition holding these files cannot be used for any other purpose during the installation (i.e., it cannot be given a mount point during the installation). In addition, the partition must be in ext2 format.

NFS Installation

Installing via NFS requires a local area network connection and access to an NFS server that can export the contents of the Red Hat Linux/SPARC CD-ROM (or equivalent files).

FTP Installation

This installation method requires a local area network connection and access to an FTP site with the Red Hat Linux/SPARC CD-ROM (or equivalent files).

HTTP Installation

This installation method requires a local area network connection and access to an HTTP site with the Red Hat Linux/SPARC CD-ROM (or equivalent files).