Selecting an Installation Method

Next, you will be asked what type of installation method you wish to use. You can install Red Hat Linux via the following basic methods:


If you have a CD-ROM drive and the Red Hat Linux CD-ROM.

Hard Drive

If you copied the Red Hat Linux files to a local hard drive. Refer to the Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide for hard drive installation instructions.

NFS Image

If you are installing from an NFS Image server which is exporting the Red Hat Linux CD-ROM or a mirror image of Red Hat Linux. Refer to the Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide for network installation instructions. Please note: NFS installations may also be performed in GUI mode.


If you are installing directly from an FTP server. Refer to the Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide for FTP installation instructions.


If you are installing directly from an HTTP Web server. Refer to the Official Red Hat Linux Reference Guide for HTTP installation instructions.

See Chapter 3 or Chapter 4 to determine what disks you'll require for the installation method you've chosen.