Using the rawrite Utility

Under MS-DOS, you can use the rawrite utility to write an image file to a disk.

If you need to obtain rawrite, it is available on the Red Hat FTP site at:

The Red Hat FTP site is usually very busy, so you may want to try a mirror site. The list of mirror sites is available at

The rawrite command looks like the following (assuming your CD is drive D:):

C:\> d:
D:\> cd \dosutils
D:\> dosutils> rawrite

Rawrite first asks you for the filename of a disk image; enter the directory and name of the image you wish to write.

Enter disk image source file name:D:\images\<image file>

Then rawrite asks for a disk drive to write the image to:

Enter target diskette drive:a:

Finally, rawrite asks for confirmation that a formatted disk is in the drive you've selected. After pressing Enter to confirm, rawrite copies the image file onto the disk.

Please insert a formatted diskette into drive A: and press
 --ENTER-- : Enter
D:\ dosutils>

The rawrite utility will return a message indicating whether your disk was created successfully, or it will inform you if your image failed to transfer correctly.

Make sure that you label the disk according to its contents.