Have You Checked for Errata?

Although most of the time it's not necessary to check for errata before the installation, it is also not a bad idea, either.

Red Hat offers updated diskette images, documentation and other errata downloads for your convenience.

There are two ways to review the errata:

  1. Online: http://www.redhat.com/support/errata provides errata you can read online, and you can easily download diskette images.

  2. E-mail: if you send an empty mail message to , you will receive an e-mail containing a text listing of the complete errata of the installation program and software itself (if errata exist at that time). URLs to each updated package and diskette image in the errata are also included. Using these URLs, you can download any necessary diskette images. Please note that you must use binary mode when transferring a diskette image.

Occasionally, we find that the installation may fail, and that a revised diskette image is needed for the installation to work properly. In these cases, we make special images available via the Red Hat Linux errata listing.

Since this is relatively rare, you will save time if you try to use the standard diskette images first. Review the errata only if you experience problems completing the installation.

Documentation errata are also available. When significant changes are made to the manuals, we make sure to update these online as well. Documentation updates can be found at http://www.redhat.com/support/errata/doc_errata/.