Patch Name: PHSS_9982 Patch Description: s700_800 10.X OpenMail B.04.00 Unix Gateway patch Creation Date: 97/01/31 Post Date: 97/02/06 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.01 10.10 10.20 s800: 10.01 10.10 10.20 Products: OpenMail B.04.00 Filesets: OpenMail.OM-CORE,B.04.00 OpenMail.OM-UNIX,B.04.00 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_9982 Symptoms: PHSS_9982: 1653196741: Certain MIME format NDN's from sendmail, which contain an ROC , when forwarded to Desk gateway, cause the HP3000 desk gateway to abort. PHSS_9968: D500278564: D500277319: B.04.00 doesn't support Sendmail 8.7. eg Unix gateway aborts when sending messages. PHSS_9127: 1653173328: Support of Eudora x-uuencode body part. 1653173393: Improved support of Japanese filenames in attachments. Includes additional entries in the mime.types file. PHSS_8700: 1653173765: Unix gateway cannot understand the Japanese pre-Mime JIS format. D500276964: Unix Gateway does not preserve long DL's PHSS_8030: 1653163030: Non-delivery coming in through the MIME gateway has incorrect TF type for the Distribution List. 1653172429: Message with appended files cannot go through the UUENCODE gateway. 5003315143: Messages with folded From: names from the Unix gateway end up with two From: names. 1653173310: Openmail Japanese MIME message with more than 256 bytes in the Subject causes extension problems. 1653152801: When an Openmail user sets an autoforward to a non-existant user on a remote machine, the Non-delivery report loops for ever. PHSS_7052: D500254078: Outgoing Japanese MIME messages may not be encoded according to the configuration, although they are valid in MIME terms. D500249508: A series of changes to allow text (1167 and 1736) charset conversion configuration and steering with the MIME gateway. Changes include addition of a sys/mime.cs mapping file, and encoding/decoding of rfc-1522 style subjects, and the ability to have multiple steering files for the unix gateway (one per encoding method). See the SR for details of the new configuration options. 5003277863: If an ARPA address looks like it could be mapped to an OpenMail address, the unix incoming gateway will change the matching distribution list entry to be an OpenMail style address if a route exists to this mailnode - even if this is wildcarded. It is not always possible to reply to this address. D500249508: This patch is for customer testing only. A series of changes to allow text (1167 and 1736) charset conversion configuration and steering with the MIME gateway. Changes include addition of a sys/mime.cs mapping file, and encoding/decoding of rfc-1522 style subjects, and the ability to have multiple steering files for the unix gateway (one per encoding method). See the SR for details of the new configuration options. 5003283895: Large Content-type header causes incoming gateway to abort. D500222349: Content-type name entered as full item subject name, instead of just filename. Defect Description: PHSS_9982: 1653196741: The message-id record was not being wrapped when converted to a MSG_INT_ID TF record. This was causing the Openmail-side desk gateway to write an invalid desk transaction file. PHSS_9968: D500278564: D500277319: The patch PHSS_8609 for B.05.01 has been rolled back for B.04.00. This adds a new omsendin script and makes the unix gateway supply a hostname when talking to sendmail. PHSS_9127: 1653173328: Support of Eudora x-uuencode body part. If such a part is received, it will be decoded. 1653173393: Improved support of Japanese filenames in attachments. Filename will be taken from Content-Disposition header if present, and such will also be generated. If general.cfg option 'UXO_T61_ITEMSUB_IS_FNAME' is set then T61 Item subject will be used for the filename on outgoing MIME messages. There is a new general.cfg option : UXO_MIME_FNAME_ENCODING This can have the same values as the equivalent one for subjects. In addition, it supports the value 'D' which ensures that the filename generated for an attachment will be a valid DOS filename. If the general.cfg option 'UXI_DOS_FNAME' is set then the subject field for attachments which are not text will be coerced to be valid DOS filenames. PHSS_8700: 1653173765: If a nested (message/rfc822) message was received by the MIME in gateway, and no Content-type record was present, the MIME gateway would assume the content to be in US-ASCII character set. The UUENCODE/ SHAR gateway would have used the UXI_UNIX_MAIL_CHARSET general.cfg option to set up the default character set. The MIME gateway has now been changed to do the same. D500276964 If the Openmail unix in gateway receives a message with a large number of recipients in the ARPA header To: field, the DL which is created does not contain all the recipients. PHSS_8030: 1653163030: Incorrect file handle was being used when processing a non-delivery report through the Mime gateway. 1653172429: Problem with recursion in a routine within the UUENCODE gateway caused files never to be closed. 5003315143: Folding code was not implemented for the From:, To: Cc:, Bcc: and Reply-To: ARPA header fields. Now it has been added. 1653173310: MIME message was allowing Subject fields greater than 256 bytes in length to be written into the Transaction File, in contravention of the TF spec. The gateway has now been modified to truncate the Subject to 256 bytes before it is added to the TF. 1653152801: The gateway now checks for "MAILER-DAEMON" in the "Mail From:" SMTP command and sets the Disallow-Autoforward flag in the TF. PHSS_7052: D500254078: Installation of this patch first removes the CSTables.ld file, then copies into place the update files from which CSTables.ld is compiled. But the patch installation uses omgetmsg between copies, and thus rebuilds CSTables.ld before all the source files are in place. Thus the definition of UNIXJIS is incomplete and outgoing message text are not interpreted correctly. D500249508: A series of changes to allow text (1167 and 1736) charset conversion configuration and steering with the MIME gateway. Changes include addition of a sys/mime.cs mapping file, and encoding/decoding of rfc-1522 style subjects, and the ability to have multiple steering files for the unix gateway (one per encoding method). 5003277863: A new customise option has been added. If general.cfg contains UXI_KEEP_ARPA_ADDRESS=TRUE then the unix in mapper will no longer coerce unix style addresses to OpenMail style addresses. D500249508: This patch is for customer testing only. A series of changes to allow text (1167 and 1736) charset conversion configuration and steering with the MIME gateway. Changes include addition of a sys/mime.cs mapping file, and encoding/decoding of rfc-1522 style subjects, and the ability to have multiple steering files for the unix gateway (one per encoding method). 5003283895: Code did not cope with tokens longer than 40. D500222349: Original filename was being neglected if present. Filename should be extracted from item subject when that is used. SR: 1653196741 D500278564 D500277319 1653173328 1653173393 1653173765 D500276964 1653163030 1653172429 5003315143 1653173310 1653152801 5003277863 5003283895 D500222349 D500249508 D500254078 Patch Files: /opt/openmail/bin/omsendin /opt/openmail/bin/omsendin.20 /opt/openmail/newconfig/sm.update /opt/openmail/bin/unix.out /opt/openmail/bin/ /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/CSInfo.cfg /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/T61Info.cfg /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/mime.types /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/mime.cs /tmp/ominst.mime /opt/openmail/bin/ompatch /opt/openmail/patch/PHSS_9982/ompatch.idx what(1) Output: /opt/openmail/bin/omsendin: No what strings /opt/openmail/bin/omsendin.20: No what strings /opt/openmail/newconfig/sm.update: HP OpenMail script to copy new sendmail file and ref reeze it. $Header: sh_smupd.gen,v 5.10 95/07/05 22:13:29 gren Exp $ /opt/openmail/bin/unix.out: $Header: ux_in.c,v 96/11/29 20:36:50 gren Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- PATCHED_B.04.00: 97/01/31 B.04.00.11 PATCHED_B.04.00: 97/01/29 B.04.00.10 PHSS_9126 / PHSS_9127 PATCHED_B.04.00: 96/11/29 B.04.00.09, unix.out ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- Sccs_Id = %W% $Header: ux_out.c,v 97/01/29 17:16:22 danw Exp $ /opt/openmail/bin/ $Header: ux_in.c,v 96/11/29 20:36:50 gren Exp $ ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- PATCHED_B.04.00: 97/01/31 B.04.00.11 PATCHED_B.04.00: 97/01/29 B.04.00.10 PHSS_9126 / PHSS_9127 PATCHED_B.04.00: 96/11/29 B.04.00.09, unix.out ---------------------------------------------------- ------------- Sccs_Id = %W% $Header: ux_out.c,v 97/01/29 17:16:22 danw Exp $ /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/CSInfo.cfg: No what strings /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/T61Info.cfg: No what strings /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/mime.types: $Header: sys_mimetype,v 1.8 96/11/29 08:37:30 gren E xp $ /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/mime.cs: $Header: sys_mimecs,v 1.2 96/02/13 11:25:40 ann Exp $ /tmp/ominst.mime: Installation file for the OpenMail core product /opt/openmail/bin/ompatch: $Header: sh_patch.gen,v 5.17 96/03/09 00:20:04 gren Exp $ /opt/openmail/patch/PHSS_9982/ompatch.idx: No what strings cksum(1) Output: 2456896684 12516 /opt/openmail/bin/omsendin 1082653721 7890 /opt/openmail/bin/omsendin.20 1711071640 6969 /opt/openmail/newconfig/sm.update 3348340664 528384 /opt/openmail/bin/unix.out 3348340664 528384 /opt/openmail/bin/ 3262920303 7782 /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/CSInfo.cfg 3018743844 3763 /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/T61Info.cfg 2443678547 2994 /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/mime.types 20518477 831 /var/opt/openmail/release.sys/mime.cs 1993977820 3056 /tmp/ominst.mime 3603765251 12311 /opt/openmail/bin/ompatch 4063155982 18056 /opt/openmail/patch/PHSS_9982/ompatch.idx Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: PHSS_7052 PHSS_8030 PHSS_8700 PHSS_9127 PHSS_9968 Equivalent Patches: PHSS_9981: s700: 9.01 9.03 9.05 9.07 s800: 9.00 9.04 Patch Package Size: 670 Kbytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_9982 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_9982.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_9982.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_9982. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_9982.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_9982.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: SUBSYSTEM_SHUT Messages containing Japanese subjects or Japanese text are now supported at the MIME gateway. New configuration options follow in sections. Note that some of these are required for Japanese support. The first section gives details of changes made in the first patch which supported Japanese messages. The following sections document later enhancements. ========================================================= New configuration file to allow mapping of OpenMail and MIME character set names. This file is: /var/opt/openmail/sys/mime.cs Extra steering files for the unix.out gateway that can be used on an encoding basis in addition to the default steering file: /users/openmail/sys/unixout.str (Default unix.out steering) /users/openmail/sys/sharout.str (Addition steering for 'shar' encoding) /users/openmail/sys/uxuuout.str (Addition steering for 'uuencode' encoding) /users/openmail/sys/mimeout.str (Addition steering for 'MIME' encoding) Extra steering file for the gateway that can be used on an encoding basis in addition to the default steering file: /users/openmail/sys/unixin.str (Default unix.out steering) /users/openmail/sys/mimein.str (Addition steering for 'MIME' encoding) New general.cfg options to control aspects of MIME encoding: UXO_MIME_SUBJECT_ENCODING= Controls the encoding of a message subject OM->MIME. where value is 'N' for no encoding or 'Q' for 'quoted-printable' encoding (the default) or 'B' for 'base64' encoding UXO_MIME_SUBJECT_FOLDING= If TRUE or YES, subject headers are folded according to RFC 1522 rules - Folding is at 76 bytes (after encoding). For multibyte, folding may be earlier then 76 bytes to avoid splitting multibyte characters and to handle escape sequences correctly. Note that folding is only applicable when the MIME character set is ISO2022 or T61 conformant. This character set must be defined in the Openmail /users/openmail/sys/CSInfo.cfg and ../T61Info.cfg and must have the setting INTERCHANGE=no. UXO_MIME_SUBJ_BENC_NONASCII= This only applies when UXO_MIME_SUBJECT_ENCODING=B. If TRUE or YES, only non-Ascii characters are B encoded. UXO_MIME_SUBJ_NO_SPACE_SEPS= This only applies when UXO_MIME_SUBJECT_ENCODING=B and when UXO_MIME_SUBJ_BENC_NONASCII=T. If TRUE or YES, a space separator between encoded and non-encoded data is not generated. Note that setting this option generates messages in a form that are not strictly compatible with RFC1522. UXO_TREAT_AS_MIME_SUBJECT= If TRUE or YES, the subject of messages leaving Openmail on a shar or uuencode route are treated as if they were for a MIME route. All the MIME_SUBJECT options apply. UXO_MIME_TEXTFILE_ENCODING= Controls the encoding of message text OM->MIME. where the value is : 'N' for no encoding or 'Q' for 'quoted-printable' encoding (the default) or 'B' for 'base64' encoding UXO_MIME_OMIT_DEF_CTENC_HDR= If TRUE or YES, the Content Encoding header is omitted if it has the default value of 7Bit. UXI_TREAT_AS_MIME_SUBJECT= Controls subject decoding MIME->OM. Setting this option TRUE means that subjects that conform to the MIME (rfc-1522) style encoding will be treated as rfc-1522 subjects (and decoded accordingly) even though they are not in a MIME message (ie. they are in a 'shar' or 'uuencoded' message). ========================================================= New general.cfg option : UXO_T61_ITEMSUB_IS_FNAME If set then the T61 Item subject will be used for the filename on outgoing MIME messages. UXO_MIME_FNAME_ENCODING= Controls the encoding of a message subject OM->MIME. where the value is : 'D' for forcing outgoing filenames to meet DOS filename conventions. 'N' for no encoding or 'Q' for 'quoted-printable' encoding or 'B' for 'base64' encoding If this is not set then encoding will be as for the Subject field. If UXO_MIME_FNAME_ENCODING=D then this takes precedence over UXO_T61_ITEMSUB_IS_FNAME. If new general.cfg option : UXI_DOS_FNAME=T is present then Dos compatible filenames will be placed in the subject field for body parts. ========================================================= Recommended settings in general.cfg for Japan. ---------------------------------------------- UXI_UNIX_MAIL_CHARSET=UNIXJIS UXI_TREAT_AS_MIME_SUBJECT=TRUE UXI_SUPPRESS_ARPA_HEADER=T # Enable the next setting if OpenMail clients # exporience difficulties with invalid # filenames in attachment subjects. # Newer clients use the original filename field, # which should avoid the need for this setting. #UXI_DOS_FNAME=T UXO_MIME_SUBJECT_ENCODING=N UXO_MIME_TEXTFILE_ENCODING=N UXO_MIME_SUBJECT_FOLDING=T # This next setting is not strictly required but # is useful if UXO_MIME_SUBJECT_ENCODING=B UXO_MIME_SUBJ_BENC_NONASCII=T UXO_TREAT_AS_MIME_SUBJECT=T UXO_MIME_OMIT_DEF_CTENC_HDR=T UXO_MIME_SUBJ_NO_SPACE_SEPS=T UXO_T61_ITEMSUB_IS_FNAME=T UXO_MIME_FNAME_ENCODING=D Other recommendations. ---------------------- By default, OpenMail configures SendMail to strip the 8th bit from all characters in incoming messages. This should be disabled. This can be done by modifying the "F=DFLMXmnu" argument on the "Mopenmail" line to be "F=DFMXmnu". If this is not done, the 'UXI_DOS_FNAME=T' configuration option is more likely to be needed. ===== End of changes related to Japanese support ===== ========================================================= For SR5003277863 By default, if an address in an ARPA message being processed by the unix incoming gateway looks as if it is an ARPA encoding of an OpenMail address, then if the OpenMail system could route a message to this address, the ARPA address is discarded and the OpenMail address is used instead. This feature can be disabled by adding the following line to the general.cfg file : UXI_KEEP_ARPA_ADDRESS=TRUE Example : address in arpa message : Tiny_Tim/hp_pin@mc1 OpenMail route : X400 *,* DEFAULT By default address in OpenMail : Tiny Tim/hp,pin With UXI_KEEP_ARPA_ADDRESS=TRUE address in OpenMail : Unix-User / om,unix (Tiny_Tim/hp_pin@mc1) NOTE: OpenMail must be shutdown before installing this patch.