Patch Name: PHSS_9583 Patch Description: s700_800 10.10 Cumulative OmniStorage A.02.10 Patch Creation Date: 96/12/13 Post Date: 96/12/23 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.10 s800: 10.10 Products: HP OpenView OmniStorage A.02.10 Filesets: OMS.f_server OMS.f_client OMS.common OMS.f_gui Automatic Reboot?: Yes Status: General Superseded Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_9583 Symptoms: PHSS_9583: 1 qrlog contains FATAL entries opening pqd device (xddts: NSMbb10802 SR: B700027532) 2 restore_vbfs asks for extra tape (xddts: NSMbb10801) 3 qr fork gets errno12 trying to mount volumes (xddts: NSMbb10787) 4 Automount of vxfs fails (xddts: NSMbb10789) 5 kdm_usr_thread procs swamp system (xddts: NSMbb10639 SR: 1653190389) 6 xhsm won't connect to client from server (xddts: NSMbb10708) 7 hsm_admin cannot re-mount filesystem (xddts: NSMbb10791 SR: B700027524) 8 Omniback cannot restore vbfs attributes (ERR 12) 9 append to nearline w/ NBLOCKS corrupts file (xddts: NSMbb10784 SR: B700027573) 10 can't configure all drives of 12-drive jukebox (xddts: NSMbb10684) 11 restore_vol missing (xddts: NSMbb10790) Defect Description: PHSS_9583: 1 Errorlog was removed since pqd is not relevant for vxfs fileystems with DMAPI 2-4 fixed code 5 changed event generation for read-ahead 6 Old 9.* path was replaced 7-9 fixed code 10 configure all drives of 12-drive jukebox now possible 11 restore_vol is shipping with this patch SR: B700027532 B700027524 1653190389 B700027573 Patch Files: /etc/opt/omnistorage/sbin/ded /opt/omnistorage/sbin/qr /opt/omnistorage/lib/errmsgs /opt/omnistorage/sbin/remote-launch /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_vol /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_vbfs /opt/omnistorage/sbin/installchanger what(1) Output: /etc/opt/omnistorage/sbin/ded: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ $Release: fsidparse.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: fsidparse.c,v 59.7 96/04/04 10:24:35 steve Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: qlib.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qlib.c,v 59.8 96/07/11 16:13:05 brian OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Release: pvlib.dmig.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: pvlib.dmig.c,v 59.78 96/08/02 14:50:56 duane Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: daemon.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: daemon.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:56 Cheyenne Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: zstatfs.c,v: OmniStorage_0210 - experiment al & locked!$ $Id: zstatfs.c,v 59.2 95/12/18 09:07:13 brian OmniSt orage_0210 Locker: duane $ $Release: netstorloc.c.hpuxdmig,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: netstorloc.c.hpuxdmig,v 59.3 96/04/02 18:03:58 don OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: mount.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: mount.c,v 59.2 96/04/08 16:44:39 brian OmniStor age_0210 $ $Release: signal.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: signal.c,v 59.2 96/05/01 13:53:11 don OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Release: port-time.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: port-time.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:21 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: up.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_4$ $Id: up.c,v 59.2 96/07/23 13:53:40 don OmniStorage_0 210 $ $Release: llog.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: llog.c,v 59.9 96/08/08 17:00:40 huaping OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: llogm.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: llogm.c,v 59.4 96/04/12 10:26:59 don OmniStorag e_0210 $ $Release: mlprivate.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: mlprivate.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:32 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: ccode.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: ccode.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:12:30 Cheyenne OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: scode.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: scode.c,v 59.4 96/04/09 17:24:47 duane OmniStor age_0210 $ $Release: stricmp.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: stricmp.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:36 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: network.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: network.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:13 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: port-select.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: port-select.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:19 Cheyenne OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: slist.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: slist.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:16:55 Cheyenne OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: misc.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: misc.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:25 Cheyenne OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: hptrap.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: hptrap.c,v 59.3 96/06/27 09:55:53 don OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Release: mlpublic.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: mlpublic.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:33 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Revision: $ /opt/omnistorage/lib/errmsgs: None /opt/omnistorage/sbin/installchanger: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ $Release: installchanger.C,v: OmniStorage_0210_patch 1$ $Id: installchanger.C,v 59.12 96/12/14 20:16:58 ken OmniStorage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: installport.C,v: OmniStorage_0210_patch1$ $Id: installport.C,v 59.13 96/12/14 20:17:01 ken Omn iStorage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: readcaps.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: readcaps.c,v 59.4 96/02/22 10:04:02 don OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: netstorloc.c.hpuxdmig,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: netstorloc.c.hpuxdmig,v 59.3 96/04/02 18:03:58 don OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: parse.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: parse.c,v 59.4 96/01/18 14:49:06 duane OmniStor age_0210 $ /opt/omnistorage/sbin/qr: HP92453-02A.10.00 HP-UX SYMBOLIC DEBUGGER (END.O) $R evision: 74.03 $ $Release: qr.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qr.c,v 59.16 96/06/06 15:31:38 brad OmniStorage _0210 $ $Release: qrfork.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrfork.c,v 59.6 96/08/06 12:28:34 don OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Release: qrfsid.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_patch1$ $Id: qrfsid.c,v 59.10 96/12/12 19:59:50 duane OmniSt orage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: qrid.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrid.c,v 59.12 96/05/24 11:10:55 don OmniStorag e_0210 $ $Release: qrmakespace.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrmakespace.c,v 59.2 96/03/07 12:44:18 theap Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrmigin.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_4$ $Id: qrmigin.c,v 59.29 96/07/30 14:37:20 duane OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: qrshutdown.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrshutdown.c,v 59.3 96/06/06 15:29:53 brad Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: qrtrunc.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrtrunc.c,v 59.4 96/03/14 13:53:54 steve OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: qrmigout.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_3$ $Id: qrmigout.c,v 59.24 96/07/19 15:30:23 steve Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: qrqueue.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_patch1$ $Id: qrqueue.c,v 59.16 96/12/09 17:18:28 duane OmniS torage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: qrconfig.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrconfig.c,v 59.3 96/02/28 12:47:58 brad OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: qrckp.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrckp.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:34:30 Cheyenne OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: qrcomm.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_patch1$ $Id: qrcomm.c,v 59.13 96/12/11 22:19:37 duane OmniSt orage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: qrstats.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrstats.c,v 59.2 95/10/16 10:55:22 steve OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: qrfsck.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrfsck.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:34:45 Cheyenne Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: qrsignal.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrsignal.c,v 59.2 95/10/16 10:55:13 steve OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: qrinode.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrinode.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:34:56 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrrequeue.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrrequeue.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:35:40 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrthrottle.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrthrottle.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:35:58 Cheyenne OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrplserv.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_patch1$ $Id: qrplserv.c,v 59.7 96/12/06 21:23:07 duane OmniS torage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: qrforward.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrforward.c,v 59.3 96/07/05 22:48:13 duane Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: uid.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: uid.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:36:06 Cheyenne OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: qrstage.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrstage.c,v 59.4 96/08/09 23:20:58 brian OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: qrdirs.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrdirs.c,v 59.5 96/06/27 13:45:13 huaping OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: qrfsattr.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrfsattr.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:34:43 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrlinks.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrlinks.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:34:57 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrrename.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrrename.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:35:38 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrupdate.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrupdate.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:36:00 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrsys.hpux,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrsys.hpux,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:35:55 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: qrseqserv.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qrseqserv.c,v 59.13 96/06/26 20:43:18 duane Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Id: qrmsgs.m,v 59.17 96/12/11 22:19:43 duane OmniSt orage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: isnotcm.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: isnotcm.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:50:50 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: license.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: license.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:12:56 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: omnilicense.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: omnilicense.c,v 59.2 95/11/11 16:08:47 don Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: pencode.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: pencode.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:05 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: odm3.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: odm3.c,v 59.2 95/11/03 10:13:22 brian OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Id: names.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:51:41 Cheyenne OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: names.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: odm3msgs.m,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:51:46 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Id: eclib.dmig.c,v 59.44 96/12/15 13:16:33 ken Omni Storage_0210_patch1 $ $Release: readconfig.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: readconfig.c,v 59.2 96/01/22 15:11:26 duane Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: fsidparse.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: fsidparse.c,v 59.7 96/04/04 10:24:35 steve Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: qlib.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: qlib.c,v 59.8 96/07/11 16:13:05 brian OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Release: pvlib.dmig.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: pvlib.dmig.c,v 59.78 96/08/02 14:50:56 duane Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: vbfserrno.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: vbfserrno.c,v 59.2 95/11/15 15:08:17 mtiller Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: mig-log.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: mig-log.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:50:58 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: resolve-lib.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: resolve-lib.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:30:38 Cheyenne OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: jmcpublic.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jmcpublic.c,v 59.4 96/01/18 13:14:33 brad OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: jmcprivate.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jmcprivate.c,v 59.2 95/12/12 14:51:14 brian Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: jcomlprivate.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jcomlprivate.c,v 59.5 96/05/28 14:02:35 don Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: jstart.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jstart.c,v 59.2 95/12/12 14:51:29 brian OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: jlerr.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jlerr.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:24:59 Cheyenne OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: jlgap.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jlgap.c,v 59.2 95/10/06 10:48:31 huaping OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: jstatplat.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jstatplat.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:25:16 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: jvolset.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jvolset.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:25:20 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Id: jml.m,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:25:05 Cheyenne OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: jcomlpublic.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jcomlpublic.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:24:58 Cheyenne OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: jrdb.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jrdb.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:25:12 Cheyenne OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: jrc.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jrc.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:25:11 Cheyenne OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: jmountnfs.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: jmountnfs.c,v 59.2 96/03/19 07:10:17 don OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: jcom_log.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Release: api-attribute.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: api-attribute.c,v 59.9 96/02/12 11:12:46 duane OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: daemon.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: daemon.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:56 Cheyenne Omni Storage_0210 $ $Release: dirlist.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: dirlist.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:57 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: zstatfs.c,v: OmniStorage_0210 - experiment al & locked!$ $Id: zstatfs.c,v 59.2 95/12/18 09:07:13 brian OmniSt orage_0210 Locker: duane $ $Release: netstorloc.c.hpuxdmig,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: netstorloc.c.hpuxdmig,v 59.3 96/04/02 18:03:58 don OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: stricmp.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: stricmp.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:36 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: mount.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: mount.c,v 59.2 96/04/08 16:44:39 brian OmniStor age_0210 $ $Release: sysinfo.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: sysinfo.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:37 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: wait.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: wait.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:39 Cheyenne OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: signal.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: signal.c,v 59.2 96/05/01 13:53:11 don OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Release: port-time.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: port-time.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:21 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: port-rand.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: port-rand.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:18 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: slist.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: slist.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:16:55 Cheyenne OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: misc.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: misc.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:25 Cheyenne OmniSt orage_0210 $ $Release: netmkpath.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: netmkpath.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:27 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: up.c,v: OmniStorage_0210_4$ $Id: up.c,v 59.2 96/07/23 13:53:40 don OmniStorage_0 210 $ $Release: parse.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: parse.c,v 59.4 96/01/18 14:49:06 duane OmniStor age_0210 $ $Release: llog.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: llog.c,v 59.9 96/08/08 17:00:40 huaping OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: llogm.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: llogm.c,v 59.4 96/04/12 10:26:59 don OmniStorag e_0210 $ $Release: Log.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: Log.c,v 59.2 96/04/12 10:25:52 don OmniStorage_ 0210 $ $Release: mlpublic.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: mlpublic.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:33 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: mlprivate.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: mlprivate.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:32 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: ccode.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: ccode.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:12:30 Cheyenne OmniS torage_0210 $ $Release: scode.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: scode.c,v 59.4 96/04/09 17:24:47 duane OmniStor age_0210 $ $Release: pathnames.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: pathnames.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:13:42 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ $Release: network.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: network.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:13 Cheyenne Omn iStorage_0210 $ $Release: port-select.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: port-select.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:19 Cheyenne OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: hptrap.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: hptrap.c,v 59.3 96/06/27 09:55:53 don OmniStora ge_0210 $ $Release: checkserver.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: checkserver.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:58 Cheyenne OmniStorage_0210 $ $Release: NIO.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: NIO.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:15:03 Cheyenne OmniSto rage_0210 $ $Release: rcp_clnt.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: rcp_clnt.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:15:18 Cheyenne Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: section_lib.C,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: section_lib.C,v 59.2 95/12/18 09:11:43 brian Om niStorage_0210 $ $Release: port-stat.c,v: OmniStorage_0210$ $Id: port-stat.c,v 59.1 95/10/04 00:14:20 Cheyenne O mniStorage_0210 $ /opt/omnistorage/sbin/remote-launch: None /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_vbfs: None /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_vol: $Id:,v 59.4 96/12/15 14:01:46 ken Omn iStorage_0210_patch1 $ cksum(1) Output: 3359671062 707011 /etc/opt/omnistorage/sbin/ded 2965064002 528481 /opt/omnistorage/lib/errmsgs 4075591433 226744 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/installchanger 95985329 1927460 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/qr 2114911339 2057 /opt/omnistorage/sbin/remote-launch 104180815 30401 /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_vbfs 3007090404 7489 /opt/omnistorage/bin/restore_vol Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: None Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 3410 Kbytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_9583 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_9583.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_9583.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_9583. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_9583.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_9583.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: Please note that all required HP-UX patches and the Omni- Storage software need to be installed prior to installing the product patch; i.e. basis is a running OmniStorage system. Installation Instructions: 1> Become root user and shutdown Omnistorage: $ /opt/omnistorage/bin/zshutdown 2> Install this patch by running swinstall. swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_9583.depot NOTE: This Patch contains files for OMS Clients and Servers. In order to avoid complex patch handling all files are installed on Clients and Servers. This means it could be, that more files are installed, than actually necessary. But a next release of OmniStorage will clean this up. 3> Restart the OmniStorage daemons: $ /opt/omnistorage/bin/zstartup