Patch Name: PHSS_5952 Patch Description: s700_800 10.0X Cobol/UX Diag patch from B.09.15 to B.09.18 Creation Date: 95/08/18 Post Date: 95/09/01 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.00 10.01 s800: 10.00 10.01 Products: Cobol/HP-UX B.09.15 Filesets: COBOLDIAG.COBDIAG,B.10.01 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Release Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_5952 Symptoms: PHSS_5952: The following symptoms correspond to the descriptions in the defect descriptions field for PHSS_5952: 1. Sort on relative file opened dynamically creates one large record 2. Fileshare call to fs_status always returns same non-zero value 3. Default locking strategy changed from B.07.xx 4. Field error validation does not work. 5. Isam format0 files are 3 times slower 6. MFCOBOL subprogram returns incorrect return value 7. Fileshare call to fs_status returns same non-zero value 8. copy_release script contains a syntax error 9. Incorrect file status 99 returned if RM=ANSI and locked record READ 10. copy_release script contains a syntax error Defect Description: PHSS_5952: The following defect descriptions are for PHSS_5952: 1. Sorting a relative file with access mode dynamic using the command sort sortfile ascending key key-1 key-2, causes the sorted data to be contained in one large record. 2. Calling fs_status after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK to ensure that the transaction completed successfully, does not work as the call always seems to return the same value, and never zero for success. 3. A second program is able to open a file that has been opened for exclusive access by another program if the first program has the file opened twice. 4. Dialog Demos have incorrect error filenames, causing the error message to not be displayed. 5. Cobol programs that access isam format0 files are nearly three times as slow as previous release. 6. Called program is not setting return code correctly. 7. When using fs_status after any filesystem call the returned status variable is allways the same value. 8. The copy_release script has a missing " on line 50 causing a syntax error '"' unmatched. 9. After replacing the default ISAM file handler with the Informix C-ISAM file handler, and compiling with RM=ANSI, if an indexed file is open for INPUT by two users, the run-time returns file status 99 instead of 00 to the second user who READs the same record as the first user. No locking syntax is used in the programs. 10. The copy_release script has a missing " on line 50 causing a syntax error '"' unmatched SR: 1653034256 1653091579 1653124958 4701287128 5003266791 1653135251 5003270249 4701296616 4701295493 1653136945 Patch Files: /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/dsmot /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/BIGMAC.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/BLOCK.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DRAW.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS-DB.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCOBGEN.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCUADEF.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCUAGEN.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDATDEF.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDGRP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALCV.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALIN.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALOG.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIATRN.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDLGINI.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSERRDEF.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSERRHAN.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPDS.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPMES.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPORT.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSFLD.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSFLDNAM.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGETSS.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGETSS.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGROUP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSHEAP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPDS.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPFIO.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPORT.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSLCONV.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPARSER.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPFLDCV.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPRINT.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSRUN.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSSYSFMT.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTERM.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTFSM.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTRACER.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTUTOR.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUSRCAL.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUSRFMT.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUXPATH.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUXSYSP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVALDEF.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVALRUN.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVRSCRN.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/ERRHAND.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FEM.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FSI.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FSIHEAP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/MLOAD.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/MSAVE.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/POPUP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SCONFIG.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SCREENS.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SSP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/VERDISP.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/customer.doc /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/customer.err /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/ /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-edit.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-errs /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-errs.idx /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsd-valp.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsdef /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsdlgtbl.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dserrhan.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dserrhan.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntgen.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntmap.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntmap.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsmotver /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsr-valp.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsr-valp.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsrun.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsrun.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstracer.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstrap.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstrpcrt.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsvalrun.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsvalrun.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/lsfonts.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/pic4mat.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/pic4mat.o what(1) Output: /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/dsmot: dsmot.c DS2.2.30 mvg 28jul93 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/BIGMAC.gnt: BIGMAC 95080711553975 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn BIGMAC (DSCHAR) rev 4 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/BLOCK.gnt: BLOCK0MANIPULATI 95080711562619 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn BLOCK (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DRAW.gnt: DRAW 95080711563982 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DRAW (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS-DB.gnt: Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSGN-PDL (DSCHAR) rev 1 Vrn DLGN-GDL (DSCHAR) rev 1 DS0DB 95080712185530 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DS-DB (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS.gnt: DS 95080711570156 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DS (DSCHAR) rev 3 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS.o: DS 95080712264577 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DS (DSCHAR) rev 3 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCOBGEN.gnt: DSCOBGEN 95080711573460 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DS (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCUADEF.gnt: DSCUADEF 95080711580679 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSCUADEF (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCUAGEN.gnt: DSCUAGEN 95080711584736 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSCUAGEN (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDATDEF.gnt: DSDATDEF 95080711591331 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSDATDEF (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDGRP.gnt: DSDGRP 95080711594005 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSDGRP (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALCV.gnt: DSDIALCV 95080711595059 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSDIALCV (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALIN.gnt: DSDIALIN 95080712000486 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSDIALIN (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALOG.gnt: Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DLGN-GDL (DSCHAR) rev 1 Vrn DSGN-PDL (DSCHAR) rev 1 DSDIALOG 95080712011764 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSDIALOG (DSCHAR) rev 3 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIATRN.gnt: Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSGN-PDL (DSCHAR) rev 1 DSDIATRN 95080712025891 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSDIATRN (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDLGINI.o: DSDLGINI 95080712232739 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSDLGINI (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSERRDEF.gnt: DSERRDEF 95080712032631 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSERRDEF (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSERRHAN.o: DSERRHAN 95080712234226 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSERRHAN (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPDS.gnt: DSEXPDS 95080712040781 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSEXPDS (DSCHAR) rev 4 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPMES.gnt: DSEXPMES 95080712044561 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSEXPMES (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPORT.gnt: DSEXPORT 95080712045652 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSEXPORT (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSFLD.o: DSFLD 95080712235666 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSFLD (DSCHAR) rev 7 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSFLDNAM.gnt: DSFLDNAM 95080712051877 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSFLDNAM (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGETSS.gnt: DSGETSS 95080712055130 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSGETSS (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGETSS.o: DSGETSS 95080712270642 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSGETSS (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGROUP.gnt: DSGROUP 95080712062161 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSGROUP (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSHEAP.gnt: DSHEAP 95080712070513 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSHEAP (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPDS.gnt: DSIMPDS 95080712080980 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSIMPDS (DSCHAR) rev 5 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPFIO.gnt: DSIMPFIO 95080712195610 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSIMPFIO (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPORT.gnt: DSIMPORT 95080712101540 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSIMPORT (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSLCONV.o: DSLCONV 95080712255271 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSLCONV (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPARSER.gnt: DSPARSER 95080712102480 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSPARSER (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPFLDCV.gnt: DSPFLDCV 95080712103596 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSPFLDCV (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPRINT.gnt: DSPRINT 95080712110952 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSPRINT (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSRUN.o: DSRUN 95080712250152 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSRUN (DSCHAR) rev 6 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSSYSFMT.gnt: DSSYSFMT 95080712115571 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSSYSFMT (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTERM.o: DSTERM 95080712241735 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSTERM (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTFSM.gnt: DSTFSM 95080712120591 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSTFSM (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTRACER.o: DSTRACER 95080712260616 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSTRACER (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTUTOR.gnt: DSTUTOR 95080712121608 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSTUTOR (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUSRCAL.o: DSUSRCAL 95080712261973 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSUSRCAL (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUSRFMT.gnt: DSUSRFMT 95080712122400 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUXPATH.gnt: DSUXPATH 95080712123283 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSUXPATH (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUXSYSP.gnt: DSUXSYSP 95080712124021 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSUXSYSP (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVALDEF.gnt: DSVALDEF 95080712130222 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSVALDEF (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVALRUN.o: DSVALRUN 95080712262765 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn DSVALRUN (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVRSCRN.gnt: DSVRSCRN 95080712133026 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/ERRHAND.gnt: FORMS0ERROR0MESS 95080712133729 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn ERRHAND (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FEM.gnt: FORMS0EDITING0MA 95080712135910 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn FEM (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FSI.gnt: FORMS0STORAGE0IN 95080712145773 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn FSI (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FSIHEAP.gnt: FSIHEAP 95080712160157 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn FSIHEAP (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/MLOAD.gnt: MAVIS0DECOMPILAT 95080712161639 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn MLOAD (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/MSAVE.gnt: MAVIS0COMPILATIO 95080712163091 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn MSAVE (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/POPUP.gnt: POPUP0MENU0PROGR 95080712164297 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn POPUP (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SCONFIG.gnt: SCRNSCFG 95080712165193 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn SCONFIG (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SCREENS.gnt: USER0INTERFACE0P 95080712171404 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn SCREENS (DSCHAR) rev 4 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SSP.gnt: SCREENS0STORAGE0 95080712175104 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn SSP (DSCHAR) rev 1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/VERDISP.gnt: VERDISP 95080712180545 GNB-025052000A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn DIALOG 2.2.28 Bld02 Vrn VERDISP (DSCHAR) rev 2 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/customer.doc: None /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/customer.err: None /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/ None /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-edit.gnt: ds-edit 95080713294903 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-errs: None /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-errs.idx: None /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds.gnt: ds 95080713301361 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsd-valp.gnt: DSD0VALP 95080713302090 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsdef: Vrn ds-cutil 93.04.30 nrV Vrn ds-look 93.01.14 nrV Vrn ds-style 93.06.24 nrV Vrn ds-lex 93.05.24 nrV Vrn ds-lang 93.06.24 nrV BIGMAC 95080712385626 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 bmsrch 95080712392647 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DS0DB 95080712453487 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 ds-edit 95080712495810 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 ds 95080712501327 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsabconv 95080712502038 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsactbar 95080712505163 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dscobgen 95080712513056 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSD0VALP 95080712514243 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsdatdef 95080712522301 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSDIALOG 95080712540456 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSDLGTBL 95080712545795 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dserrdef 95080712553085 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dserrhan 95080712553969 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dserror 95080712554828 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsexport 95080712565213 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSFNTMAP 95080712574417 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dshelp 95080712575153 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSIMPORT 95080712583730 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dspaint 95080713015476 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSPASCII 95080713051934 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSPRINT 95080713055490 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsquery 95080713062124 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsr-stub 95080713063205 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 DSR0VALP 95080713064030 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsrun 95080713083801 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dstracer 95080713101447 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dstrap 95080713104183 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dstrpcrt 95080713110446 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsvaldef 95080713111814 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 dsvalrun 95080713113652 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 fem 95080713163936 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FORMS0STORAGE0IN 95080713210772 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FSISLOAD 95080713221043 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FSISSAVE 95080713222677 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FILEMGR 95080713244375 GNB-013053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 pic4mat 95080713272573 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 picparse 95080713275389 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FPROMPT 95080713280851 GNB-013053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 VrnDATABASE 2.2.23nrV mfdir 3.u.17 mfdir 3.u.17 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsdlgtbl.gnt: DSDLGTBL 95080713303331 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dserrhan.gnt: dserrhan 95080713311939 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dserrhan.o: dserrhan 95080712553969 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntgen.gnt: FNT0GEN 95080713392849 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntmap.gnt: DSFNTMAP 95080713394534 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntmap.o: DSFNTMAP 95080712574417 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsmotver: None /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsr-valp.gnt: DSR0VALP 95080713312976 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsr-valp.o: DSR0VALP 95080713064030 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsrun.gnt: dsrun 95080713350797 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsrun.o: dsrun 95080713083801 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstracer.gnt: dstracer 95080713314986 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstrap.gnt: dstrap 95080713374421 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstrpcrt.gnt: dstrpcrt 95080713381782 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsvalrun.gnt: dsvalrun 95080713383182 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsvalrun.o: dsvalrun 95080713113652 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/lsfonts.gnt: lsfonts 95080713395533 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/pic4mat.gnt: pic4mat 95080713385874 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/pic4mat.o: pic4mat 95080713272573 GNB-022053004A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cksum(1) Output: 3703137043 20480 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/dsmot 3640802248 57408 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/BIGMAC.gnt 267165432 12448 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/BLOCK.gnt 2191685097 5556 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DRAW.gnt 1456882202 126756 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS-DB.gnt 2308180413 43156 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS.gnt 3011251024 40592 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DS.o 85987787 18856 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCOBGEN.gnt 1089100189 53548 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCUADEF.gnt 1148722620 21064 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSCUAGEN.gnt 3739840780 40976 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDATDEF.gnt 260570540 6440 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDGRP.gnt 4160021174 15488 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALCV.gnt 157845720 4028 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALIN.gnt 3860919505 129060 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIALOG.gnt 3021573052 26460 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDIATRN.gnt 1040842513 19864 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSDLGINI.o 2715568067 29432 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSERRDEF.gnt 287351436 5876 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSERRHAN.o 4260547491 62004 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPDS.gnt 1819477474 9468 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPMES.gnt 3795193564 6264 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSEXPORT.gnt 2960099799 34876 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSFLD.o 649020979 41804 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSFLDNAM.gnt 2244723354 8420 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGETSS.gnt 2814778670 7724 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGETSS.o 1472091400 59376 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSGROUP.gnt 995963665 7524 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSHEAP.gnt 3666404914 140692 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPDS.gnt 207658299 4944 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPFIO.gnt 2171752688 6032 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSIMPORT.gnt 2779831141 8044 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSLCONV.o 1971797279 10120 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPARSER.gnt 2389518869 3888 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPFLDCV.gnt 4129600368 73420 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSPRINT.gnt 3605965584 86220 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSRUN.o 286597063 7456 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSSYSFMT.gnt 3359678973 6088 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTERM.o 2444166228 8008 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTFSM.gnt 1890539351 27460 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTRACER.o 842067062 3792 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSTUTOR.gnt 625272698 2968 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUSRCAL.o 538583077 6440 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUSRFMT.gnt 206125587 3260 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUXPATH.gnt 900152 6492 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSUXSYSP.gnt 2093283455 39968 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVALDEF.gnt 3060392585 11348 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVALRUN.o 3835205742 3432 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/DSVRSCRN.gnt 1201887295 7676 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/ERRHAND.gnt 695872195 42316 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FEM.gnt 2755204716 71720 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FSI.gnt 660486616 8412 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/FSIHEAP.gnt 39079537 18116 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/MLOAD.gnt 3523855583 16060 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/MSAVE.gnt 83024290 10128 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/POPUP.gnt 3314087827 5400 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SCONFIG.gnt 4224816412 67012 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SCREENS.gnt 1892192623 25316 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/SSP.gnt 1466483003 5204 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dialog/VERDISP.gnt 3131015020 3590 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/ customer.doc 1681761393 308 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/ customer.err 1266865487 23936 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/demo/customer/ 3250461260 29864 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-edit.gnt 4118815810 30540 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-errs 3125198252 17408 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds-errs.idx 4271361112 3612 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/ds.gnt 3026242 6004 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsd-valp.gnt 1208078899 2231080 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsdef 423172858 19436 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsdlgtbl.gnt 3828956033 6176 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dserrhan.gnt 537338431 5852 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dserrhan.o 26209161 27244 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntgen.gnt 284017351 6584 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntmap.gnt 3055350786 6356 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsfntmap.o 3914091609 53 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsmotver 1483080943 12176 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsr-valp.gnt 2635710715 11704 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsr-valp.o 879938490 153624 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsrun.gnt 1488416783 143124 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsrun.o 874576120 39316 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstracer.gnt 1034825692 49452 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstrap.gnt 1579058194 10076 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dstrpcrt.gnt 1516240240 15216 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsvalrun.gnt 730112185 14364 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/dsvalrun.o 2723699458 11908 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/lsfonts.gnt 588738568 27788 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/pic4mat.gnt 996261745 26944 /opt/cobol/cobdir/dsmot/pic4mat.o Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: None Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 4630 Kbytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_5952 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_5952.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_5952.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. The cluster clients must be shut down as described in step 5b. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_5952. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_5952.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_5952.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: After patch installation, note: 1) If you receive file not found messages during update: These can be ignored as these are files that have been moved between filesets. 2) Due to changes in native code generation, you SHOULD regenerate all native programs that are experiencing the problems fixed in this patch. Applications linked with archive libraries SHOULD be relinked.