Patch Name: PHSS_5951 Patch Description: s700_800 10.0X Cobol/UX Tbox patch from B.09.15 to B.09.18 Creation Date: 95/08/18 Post Date: 95/09/01 Hardware Platforms - OS Releases: s700: 10.00 10.01 s800: 10.00 10.01 Products: Cobol/HP-UX B.09.15 Filesets: COBOLTBOX.COBTBOX,B.10.01 Automatic Reboot?: No Status: General Release Critical: No Path Name: /hp-ux_patches/s700_800/10.X/PHSS_5951 Symptoms: PHSS_5951: The following symptoms correspond to the descriptions in the defect descriptions field for PHSS_5951: 1. Sort on relative file opened dynamically creates one large record 2. Fileshare call to fs_status always returns same non-zero value 3. Default locking strategy changed from B.07.xx 4. Field error validation does not work. 5. Isam format0 files are 3 times slower 6. MFCOBOL subprogram returns incorrect return value 7. Fileshare call to fs_status returns same non-zero value 8. copy_release script contains a syntax error 9. Incorrect file status 99 returned if RM=ANSI and locked record READ 10. copy_release script contains a syntax error Defect Description: PHSS_5951: The following defect descriptions are for PHSS_5951: 1. Sorting a relative file with access mode dynamic using the command sort sortfile ascending key key-1 key-2, causes the sorted data to be contained in one large record. 2. Calling fs_status after a COMMIT or ROLLBACK to ensure that the transaction completed successfully, does not work as the call always seems to return the same value, and never zero for success. 3. A second program is able to open a file that has been opened for exclusive access by another program if the first program has the file opened twice. 4. Dialog Demos have incorrect error filenames, causing the error message to not be displayed. 5. Cobol programs that access isam format0 files are nearly three times as slow as previous release. 6. Called program is not setting return code correctly. 7. When using fs_status after any filesystem call the returned status variable is allways the same value. 8. The copy_release script has a missing " on line 50 causing a syntax error '"' unmatched. 9. After replacing the default ISAM file handler with the Informix C-ISAM file handler, and compiling with RM=ANSI, if an indexed file is open for INPUT by two users, the run-time returns file status 99 instead of 00 to the second user who READs the same record as the first user. No locking syntax is used in the programs. 10. The copy_release script has a missing " on line 50 causing a syntax error '"' unmatched SR: 1653034256 1653091579 1653124958 4701287128 5003266791 1653135251 5003270249 4701296616 4701295493 1653136945 Patch Files: /opt/cobol/cobdir/advanim.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/analyze.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/analyze /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/builder /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/cobie /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/compare /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/cwsource /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/designer /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/ds /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/editor /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/library /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/mfsort /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/screens /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/tbox /opt/cobol/cobdir/builder.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/charset.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/cwsource.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/d.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/demo/COOP/animuser.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/demo/COOP/dbgee.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/designer.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/docs/tbx_main.1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/edit.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/gnl.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/gntanlz.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/helpedit.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/iecobses.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/ieenvvar.gnt /opt/cobol/cobdir/mfcsi.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/mfsort /opt/cobol/cobdir/painter.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/screens.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/src/fs/fsmgr.o /opt/cobol/cobdir/tbox.lbr /opt/cobol/cobdir/toolboxver what(1) Output: /opt/cobol/cobdir/advanim.lbr: boxdisp 95080710543056 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 boxfunc 95080710550537 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 boxprint 95080710553835 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 ddict 95080710562453 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 stanim 95080710570798 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 struct 95080710574223 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Struct 2.1.06nrV sload 95080415054065 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 CHK053004038nrV /opt/cobol/cobdir/analyze.lbr: ANALYSER 95080710234388 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/analyze: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/builder: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/cobie: cobie.c 1.2C /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/compare: adisctrl.c 1.3 cobkeymp.c 1.3 compare.c BID 1.0 compare.c 1.3 filehandle.c 1.3 unixkey.c 1.3 m_load.c 1.1 m_exec.c 1.1 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/cwsource: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/designer: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/ds: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/editor: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/library: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/mfsort: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/screens: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/tbox: cobrun.c 1.8 /opt/cobol/cobdir/builder.lbr: builder 95080710042696 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbdconv 95080710061230 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbdctrl 95080710065534 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbddgen 95080710072408 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbddio 95080710074904 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbextct 95080710082760 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbidy 95080710085322 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbsdi 95080710090518 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwbss2 95080710091995 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 generate 95080710093014 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwrdescr 95080710093876 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/charset.gnt: charset 95080710424865 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 CHK053004022nrV /opt/cobol/cobdir/cwsource.lbr: cwsdconv 95080710103741 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwsddio 95080710110464 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwsitems 95080710113146 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwslinks 95080710114761 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwsource 95080710120572 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/d.gnt: d 95080710485978 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/demo/COOP/animuser.gnt: animuser 95080711315234 GNB-011051001A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/demo/COOP/dbgee.gnt: dbgee 95080711320255 GNB-011051001A8 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/designer.lbr: cwmenu 95080710125667 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpdir 95080710132212 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpoptns 95080710133828 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpsrch 95080710134857 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 designer 95080710135701 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/docs/tbx_main.1: Vrn/main.1/3.1.05/26Aug93/nrV /opt/cobol/cobdir/edit.lbr: edit 95080710243074 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 mfedit 95080710332760 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/gnl.gnt: gnl 95080710590163 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/gntanlz.lbr: gntanlz 95080710592866 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 gntcfg 95080710594387 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/helpedit.lbr: None /opt/cobol/cobdir/iecobses.gnt: iecobses 95080710431032 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 iecobses V3.1.01 /opt/cobol/cobdir/ieenvvar.gnt: ieenvvar 95080710425832 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 ieenvvar V3.1.02 /opt/cobol/cobdir/mfcsi.lbr: mfcsi 95080710510474 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 carm 95080710523098 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 csicfg 95080710532094 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/mfsort: mfsort 95080710491567 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 fhsort.c 1.26 /opt/cobol/cobdir/painter.lbr: cwpadd 95080710143324 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpanel 95080710145883 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpblock 95080710152364 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpbreak 95080710155623 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpdate 95080710160754 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpderiv 95080710162323 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpdict 95080710164223 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpdisp 95080710165372 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpjem 95080710171515 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwplay 95080710175952 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwplink 95080710182893 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpolish 95080710183743 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpscpnt 95080710190477 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpshow 95080710194019 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpslct 95080710194912 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpslink 95080710200181 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpsort 95080710201406 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpspecl 95080710202769 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwpstpnt 95080710204058 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwptidy 95080710205266 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 cwptotal 95080710210884 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 painter 95080710214311 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/screens.lbr: USER0INTERFACE0P 95080710443935 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 BLOCK0MANIPULATI 95080710452859 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 draw 95080710453898 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FORMS0ERROR0MESS 95080710454662 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FORMS0EDITING0MA 95080710460273 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FORMS0CODE0GENER 95080710463786 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FLOAD 95080710470602 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FSAVE 95080710471854 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 FORMS0STORAGE0IN 95080710473854 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 graphic 95080710475811 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 screens 95080710480516 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 Vrn SCREENS 1.4.26 nrVVXEPA/000/000000EXTFH /opt/cobol/cobdir/src/fs/fsmgr.o: fsmgr 95080711135362 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/tbox.lbr: tbox 95080711060392 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 banner 95080710231464 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 chkmenu 95080711003233 GNB-046053000A9 PA- RISC ncg B.09.15 /opt/cobol/cobdir/toolboxver: None cksum(1) Output: 2362447618 271360 /opt/cobol/cobdir/advanim.lbr 3242666793 20864 /opt/cobol/cobdir/analyze.lbr 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/analyze 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/builder 1018392084 20480 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/cobie 468375832 147900 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/compare 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/cwsource 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/designer 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/ds 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/editor 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/library 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/mfsort 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/screens 1452892605 32768 /opt/cobol/cobdir/bin/tbox 1646040854 352256 /opt/cobol/cobdir/builder.lbr 170589606 3944 /opt/cobol/cobdir/charset.gnt 1699940233 98688 /opt/cobol/cobdir/cwsource.lbr 2966397920 5184 /opt/cobol/cobdir/d.gnt 3709568910 4484 /opt/cobol/cobdir/demo/COOP/animuser.gnt 3501784893 16024 /opt/cobol/cobdir/demo/COOP/dbgee.gnt 1508782841 153216 /opt/cobol/cobdir/designer.lbr 3932951401 57070 /opt/cobol/cobdir/docs/tbx_main.1 277168116 362496 /opt/cobol/cobdir/edit.lbr 2287725220 41528 /opt/cobol/cobdir/gnl.gnt 2409895270 28800 /opt/cobol/cobdir/gntanlz.lbr 124275830 115072 /opt/cobol/cobdir/helpedit.lbr 3211702072 10720 /opt/cobol/cobdir/iecobses.gnt 403751596 7324 /opt/cobol/cobdir/ieenvvar.gnt 14917834 177792 /opt/cobol/cobdir/mfcsi.lbr 3683311026 131238 /opt/cobol/cobdir/mfsort 2400027132 362368 /opt/cobol/cobdir/painter.lbr 1481274631 326528 /opt/cobol/cobdir/screens.lbr 3711115668 10936 /opt/cobol/cobdir/src/fs/fsmgr.o 573776913 224128 /opt/cobol/cobdir/tbox.lbr 4258791387 51 /opt/cobol/cobdir/toolboxver Patch Conflicts: None Patch Dependencies: None Hardware Dependencies: None Other Dependencies: None Supersedes: None Equivalent Patches: None Patch Package Size: 3290 Kbytes Installation Instructions: Please review all instructions and the Hewlett-Packard SupportLine User Guide or your Hewlett-Packard support terms and conditions for precautions, scope of license, restrictions, and, limitation of liability and warranties, before installing this patch. ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Back up your system before installing a patch. 2. Login as root. 3. Copy the patch to the /tmp directory. 4. Move to the /tmp directory and unshar the patch: cd /tmp sh PHSS_5951 5a. For a standalone system, run swinstall to install the patch: swinstall -x autoreboot=true -x match_target=true \ -s /tmp/PHSS_5951.depot 5b. For a homogeneous NFS Diskless cluster run swcluster on the server to install the patch on the server and the clients: swcluster -i -b This will invoke swcluster in the interactive mode and force all clients to be shut down. WARNING: All cluster clients must be shut down prior to the patch installation. Installing the patch while the clients are booted is unsupported and can lead to serious problems. The swcluster command will invoke an swinstall session in which you must specify: alternate root path - default is /export/shared_root/OS_700 source depot path - /tmp/PHSS_5951.depot To complete the installation, select the patch by choosing "Actions -> Match What Target Has" and then "Actions -> Install" from the Menubar. 5c. For a heterogeneous NFS Diskless cluster: - run swinstall on the server as in step 5a to install the patch on the cluster server. - run swcluster on the server as in step 5b to install the patch on the cluster clients. The cluster clients must be shut down as described in step 5b. By default swinstall will archive the original software in /var/adm/sw/patch/PHSS_5951. If you do not wish to retain a copy of the original software, you can create an empty file named /var/adm/sw/patch/PATCH_NOSAVE. Warning: If this file exists when a patch is installed, the patch cannot be deinstalled. Please be careful when using this feature. It is recommended that you move the PHSS_5951.text file to /var/adm/sw/patch for future reference. To put this patch on a magnetic tape and install from the tape drive, use the command: dd if=/tmp/PHSS_5951.depot of=/dev/rmt/0m bs=2k Special Installation Instructions: After patch installation, note: 1) If you receive file not found messages during update: These can be ignored as these are files that have been moved between filesets. 2) Due to changes in native code generation, you SHOULD regenerate all native programs that are experiencing the problems fixed in this patch. Applications linked with archive libraries SHOULD be relinked.